part 36: the Journey and meeting the dearest

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Two days after Bheem and Duryodhan came back, the Pandavas were set to went on another journey. Kunti was supposed to came with them, but Karna needed her assistance in Kuntiprashta, thus she entrusted her sons in the care of Kathiravani.

The journey went swiftly, Kathiravani occupied the chariot along with Yudhistira as the other brothers opted for horse instead. She told her husband to also rode a horse but he declined, wanted to spend more time with her.

They were welcomed by Purochan, the architect and head of the servants, he greeted them and informed them that the mansion they would stayed during their time here was not yet ready.

"so, where can we live?" Bheem asked, Purochan, as the mansion's caretaker looked at them,

"if Yuvraj, Yuvrani and Rajkumaron don't dislike it, then all of you can rent a house from people here?"

Kathiravani, who sensed this man's weird behavior immediately shook her head, she glanced at her husband,

"no need," she refused, "near Varnavat is Vrindavana, the village of Braj, we can go there instead,"

"but, Yuvrani-"

"just send message once the mansion is ready, Purochan, we will live in Vrindavan for the time being."

Yudhistira smiled at that tone, the way Kathiravani challenged Purochan in her voice, she actually really amazing. Purochan was frightened, he nodded as Kathiravani directed the charioteer to the road of Vrindavan, followed the river Yamuna.

"why are we going to Vrindavan, Babhishree?" Arjun couldn't help but ask, Kathiravani who enjoyed the familiar scenery smiled,

"we can live in my parents's house, devar," the way she answered, it was so mystical, her eyes twinkled in mischievousness, the kind that these men never saw before, she looked different, there was different atmosphere around her, it was mixture of innocence and reminded them so much with their cousin, the Shyamsundara himself, Krishna.

"your parents? I thought your parents live in Ayodhya, Babhishree?" Bheem added, she giggled,

"of course they lived in Ayodhya, devar, i talk about the ones who raised me."

The entrance of the beautiful village came to their sight, Kathiravani didn't even mind her royal status, jumped from the chariot, leaving her husband and devars and the charioteer alone. Her eyes glistening with tears,

"come on, Natha, devars,"

It was the time for the gopalas and farmers came back from their agriculture fields and forest, the gopalas ushered their cows with stick, Kathiravani took a deep breath, as the familiar breathtaking view came to them, the way mountain Govardhana maintained its majestic appearance, the green hills, the calm flow of Yamuna river, the melody of birds, the yellow and orange hues of sun that near setting, it was everything she ever dreamed of these years away from this beautiful tranquil place.

"it's beautiful," she heard Sahadev muttered, Kathiravani nodded, she wiped her tears,

"it is," she said, "Natha, Devars, welcome to Vrindavan, the place i grew up in."

"pranipaat, may we help you with something?"

They were greeted by two men and a monkey, the two men had long sticks in their hands, Kathiravani's eyes widened when she saw them, years had passed by so long since she saw them. She left Vrindavan a year after Krishna and Balaram left, when Bhagwan Parashurama chose her as his student.

"Sakha Subala? Sakha Madhu? Dadiloba?"

The two men along with the monkey frowned,

"who are you, Srimati? How did you know our name?

Kathiravani couldn't contain her happiness, she walked to them, "it's me! Yashodraya-Nandini Chandrika!"

"Chandrika Sakhi?!" they both gasped in unison, as Kathiravani's eyes full of tears when she nodded and laughed, "it's really you?!"

"it's really me!" she laughed with tears when Dadiloba excitedly hold her hands, "it's really me, Dadiloba!"

"it's been so long, Chandrika," Subala, as the clearest among all said, "we heard a lot of things from the Royal things you, Kanha and Balram do,"

"yes, Sakha," she nodded, she then took Yudhistira's hands, "this is my husband, his name is Yudhistira, and these are his brothers, my devars."

The two men gave the five of them polite greetings, which they returned briefly.

"Sakhi, you should move forward to Nandan Baba and Yashoda Maiya's house, they will be so happy to meet their daughter again."

Kathiravani nodded, she excused herself along with her husband and brothers in law, she bid goodbyes, no matter how long she had been gone from this gorgeous village, she would never forget the paths that lead her to her beloved parents's house.

Near the house, Kathiravani's heart clenched, she almost swayed before Yudhistira caught her,

"are you alright, priye?"

"hm," she whispered, she looked at the old man without his headgear, he sweeped the ground, Kathiravani knew him, that once strong and reliable back now looked frail, her heart clenched, it hurted her, tears streaming down her face as she once again blamed the fate, why must she left him like this? The first man who loved her unconditionally,

"baba," she whispered, barely audible, the man must sense the way they starring at him, he looked at their ways, and the broom fall, Kathiravani didn't even think when her feet carried her body fast towards him, "baba!"

"my Chandrika? Chandrika!" they met halfway, as the beloved daughter of Nandan hugged hugged her father, years of separation, of longing, finally she was able to relished the warmest hug she ever felt, tears continuously down, as Nandan Maharaj peppering kisses on his daughter's head and hugged her body closer to him, unable to let go, "my daughter! Oh my daughter!"

The five grown men looked at the scene and their eyes were red, they could feel the pure love radiated from Nandan maharaj towards their babhishree, his daughter, the ine who shooting his longing as a father.

Nandan Maharaj cupped her cheeks, "you've grown so much, dearest," he told her, Kathiravani nodded, she beckoned to her husband, who came forward along with his younger brothers,

"baba, this is my husband, Kuruvanshi ki Jyesth Rajkumar, Panduputra Yudhistira along with my devars, Bheem, Arjuna and the twins, Nakul and Sahadev."

Yudhistira came first, he bent and touched Nandan Maharaj's feet as the later blessed him,

"i am glad my daughter can marry a man like you, Yuvraj."

Yudhistira joined his hands, "it is me who is lucky to marry your daughter, Baba,"

After the Pandavas greeted him, he ushered them to entering the house, memories hit Kathiravani, as she looked around, it was still the same, the furniture, the decorations, it felt like she was back in her childhood again, when she used to running around this place, helping Bhrata Kanha stole Makkhan, and climbed mango tree. She had a very carefree childhood here, in Vrindavan, she was just a daughter of Nandan Maharaj, who was a gopi. She missed those times already as she wiped another tear, she glanced at Sahadev who shoot her with a knowing sad smile.


A/N: i write this then deleted it for three or four times, the reason? Should i let Rajmata Kunti accompanied her sons and daughter in law to Varnavat or just sent her to Kuntiprashta, the kingdom of her father and her eldest son and grandchild, lol. I figured it out, since the trajectory is already so so so different, why not makes this one different as well? I hope you enjoy this chapter. See you in next one, we shall meet Kathiravani's Maiya and her beloved Radhika sakhi.

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