23: Letter

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Everyone in the room knew that the words Kathiravani spluttered were true. They just knew the tip of iceberg in Sindhu Raj and how glorious he was, but neither of them knew the inside, Maharaj Dhritarashtra opened his mouth but not any words could come in,

"i am sorry, Tatshree, Mata, Mamashree, but i will never agree if Dushala married someone like Jayadratha, Dushala is the only Kuru Princess, Kauravi she is, she deserve everything,"

Gandhari already cried, Kathiravani quickly hold her hands,

"why are you crying, Mata? Am i saying something wrong?" she asked with distress,

"of course not, Putri!" came Gandhari's replied, "fortunately that my son Yudhistira has marrying you, dear, fortunately our dynasty has you as Kulvadhu, fortunately, Dushala has you as her sister in law! If not for you, afraid we put Dushala into the palaquin without even make a background check. We are already this old, dear, but fortunately we have someone like you to support us,"

Kathiravani couldn't help but followed and cried. The room full of women's cry,

"Mata, please don't say something like that," she completely sobbed because it was overwhelming, in Kosala, her mother never cried like this, she always had worried free life, be it growing up in Vrindavan in the household of Nandan Baba, or in Ayodhya.  "if you say something like that, it is so embarrassing for me. I love you all like my own parents, how come i'm not taking care of the only sister i have in this Palace?"

"Kaushalya is our Kulvadhu, definitely our fortune. All of you shouldn't cry like this, it's good that we didn't say yes to Sindhu Kingdom. And Dushala's marriage can be discussed slowly. She is the only Rajkumari of Kuru clan, her marriage will be grand."

Dhritarashtra finally said, Kathiravani nodded and wiping her tears, she helped Gandhari to calmed down. 

"then, it settled. I should send letter to my parents and ask them to let my brothers who has the same age as Dushala to come to Hastinapura, how about it?" she asked while Dhritarastra and Gandhari nodded in agreement,

"everything should following your plan, dear."

Kathiravani nodded as she didn't forget to send a teasing smile to Dushala and walked out of the chamber. Isha followed her,

"what is it, Maharani?"

"Sindhu wants to form alliance with Hastinapura by marriage between Dushala and Jaydratha,"

Isha showed a disgust expression, "Rajkumari Dushala is a kind person, to pair her with that cruel Jaydratha..." Kathiravani nodded, Isha didn't need to complete her statement, Jaydratha was practically a living nightmare, only Kings who seek power could let their Princess marry him.

"between Abhishek and Siddharth which one do you think more suitable for Dushala?"

Abhishek was the Yuvraj of Kasi-Kosala, eldest son and heir of Maharaj Nagnajit and his wife, while Siddharth was the eldest son of Maharaj Pinaka of Nishada Kingdom.

"i think Yuvraj Abhishek's personality suits Rajkumari Dushala more. He is capable Warrior but he is also a kind one, and soft spoken. I'm sure, Rajkumari will be happy."


Kathiravani wrote a letter, then both her and Isha walked into the terrace in her chamber, Isha pulled out a small whistle and blew it, a pigeon flew towards them and landed in front of them, Isha tied the letter into the pigeon's foot and let it flew away.

It was a method that had been cultivated for years by Kathiravani's great grand-parents and perfected by her. They use animals such as pigeon and eagle to communicate between them secretly and efficiently, rather than waiting for footman to delivered their things, they used pigeon and eagle, but of course because it was a secret way of communication, they still sent letter via footman.

So both of them startled when guard outside announced that a footman wanted to see her, they let him came, he quickly knelt and greeted them, Kathiravani waved her hands,

"what is it?" she asked, the footman gave her a scroll made both of her and Isha looked at each other,

"a letter coming for you, Rajkumari," he answered,  Kathiravani thanked him and quickly waved him go. She and Isha frowned, she never received any letter upon arrived her nor she sent any letter, her parents were out of question, they would never sent letter like this, because all they talked about were states matters. Isha took the scroll and opened it, after confirmed nothing harmful hid behind it, she gave the letter to her Maharani.

"enjoy your happy life, because after this, all your life will be series of misery unless you become mine"

Kathiravani and Isha frowned deeper, who was dare to sent such a message to her? 

"who dares to send such a threatening letter like this?" Isha asked, her voice laced with venom. Isha was the trained assassin in position of  a Rathi which whom Maharaj Ranjeet personally trained, and gave away to Kathiravani to protected her, and Kathiravani also teached her politics and she was proficient, seen that Kathiravani was threatened obviously Isha was upset. Someone could sent an anonymous letter in the daylight like this to the Eldest Kulvadhu of Hastinapura, whose identity alone was remarkable and famous across Aryavrat, it was equivalent of slapping her across the face and trampled over her pride.

"alright, Isha, calm down. You need to calm down so that you can think of how you can catch this person," Kathiravani was a Maharathi herself, the only female student of Bhagwan Parashurama, yet she was actually scared of Isha, especially her blood thirsty expression made her shudder.

"wait until i find who this person is, Maharani, i'll skin them alive, and spread salt into their wounds, then i'll drink their blood,"

Kathiravani gulped, she was afraid of the crazy look in her eyes, and she and Isha were best friends!

"alright, Isha, let's take a deep breath. We will find whoever this person is but you need to calm down a bit."

Crazy look in Isha's eyes changed like a flick of finger, Kathiravani sent a prayer to Mahadev quickly and thanked Lord Vishnu for protection. Isha was scary, even scarier than ghost!


A/N: here is the chapter. I'm sorry for the tardiness as i am busy. I hope you enjoy. Next chapter shall be posted after maybe 25-30 votes? Let's just see. Bye-bye.

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