Part 15: Grand Welcome

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The battle between Rajkumar Arjun of Hastinapur and now Rajkumar Karna of Ramaprashta began, Kathiravani, Isha and several of their people watched intently in interest, Kathiravani's mind began to calculate how to place Karna in a strategist position of her Kingdom. She may said that Isha had a shrewd mind but she was more cunning than her friend, Kathiravani was a trained politician, along with all the Vedas and Sashtra, that was why.

"Maharani, you're an Archer, do tell me which one of them is the best?" Isha asked after she saw the sun almost went down, Kathiravani whose eyes trained over at the two of them,

"both are equal," she answered without a second thought, as everyone marveled at Karna who had divine armor and kundals, Kathiravani smirked, "ah, that divine armor and kundals, Bhrata Karna has upper hands."

They were equal as no one could determined which one was the winner as both of them fought each other valiantly, until sunset. Then they stopped.

Kathiravani was ushered by Isha to the place they stayed, because it was the welcome of the Kuru Kulvadhu. She bathed with scented oils and Isha forced her to wear heavy clothes for the married women and jewelries, Kathiravani huffed as Isha took a great pride at decorating her, she looked more like a doll, sat quietly while Isha did all her shringar.

In no time she was ready to enter the palace.

Yudhistira entered her bedchamber and saw the scene in front of him, he lived in the forest since he was born, and his mothers were so simple so he never saw the way women did their shringar, he was stunned, and in awe, especially when Kathiravani applied kohl in her eyes, making that enchanting eyes clearer.

Kathiravani and Isha found him stood in his place completely awestruck, Isha quickly went out as Kathiravani stood up and came close to him, she assessed him, he changed from the armor he wear earlier and already bathed, he now wear gold angavastram and looked as much as a Prince.

"Natha?" Kathiravani called, awaken him from trance, Yudhistira looked away to hid his blushing face, "i'm glad you come!"

"you don't think i'll come?" he asked, clearly confuses but Kathiravani shook her head,

"no, not like that. I mean, i'm glad nothing bad happened to you! I mean, i was so worried, watching you fight against Devar Duryodhan, and he also cheated!"

She began to ramble, while Yudhistira watching her with amused eyes, he engulf her into a hug while she sighed in relief after hearing his heartbeat,

"it's okay, i'm here, i'm okay." he patted her back like hushed a child,

"he cheated!" she said, Yudhistira hummed, understood her anger, "i want to smack him!"

They hugged each other, that was how the other Pandavas found them. Sahadev, Nakul and Arjun shrieked, while Bhima hid his smile, Yudhistira and Kathiravani broke their hug, clearly embarassed.

"no, no, we don't want to interrupt, Jyesth and Babhi can continue!" Nakul gave them a teasing smile, Kathiravani coughed, she walked towards the four of them,

"all if you alright? Nothing happening?"

"Babhi, you don't have to worry, i only have one regret at that time, i didn't punch him more!" Bheem answered, Yudhistira looked at him disapprovingly,


"what Bharata Bheem said is true! Bharata Duryodhan had cheated especially when he fought against you Jyesth, you clearly stated that you don't want to fight anymore yet he attack you from the back!" Sahadev piped in, clearly annoyed with Duryodhan's actions, Kathiravani knew it was upsetting for them, especially when her own husband kept quiet after that,

"it's alright everyone, i'm so proud of all of you, you fought valiantly, that is all the matter," she softly smile, she opened her arms, "so, who is going to give me a hug?" she asked, didn't expect anything but her four brother in laws hugged her immediately and they laughed together. Yudhistira smiled upon seeing all of them, he was glad he could marry her.

"but, Babhi, i have a question," Arjun said, when they sat together waiting for the chariots to be ready,

"ask away, Arjun,"

"why are you helping Rajkumar Karna?"

Kathiravani played with her bangels, then she looked into Arjun's eyes, "if not him who challenge you today, then i will be the one who challenge you,"

Arjun looked surprised while Yudhistira smiled, his wife had a strange urged to reach perfection,

"w-what?" Arjun startled, didn't expect that kind of answer from his Babhi,

"Arjun, the world is wide and vast, if Dronacharya said that you're the greatest archer among Kuru Princes, i will not say anything because yes, you're the greatest among your brothers, but i too am an Archer, i am even student of Bhagwan Parashurama, the one who taught Mahamahim Bheesma, and your own Guru, Dronacharya, are we even compared our skills? Not yet, that was why i absolutely could never accept it when Dronacharya declared you as such."

Before Arjun could ask again, the chariot was coming, along with the horses of these Kuru Princes, they went to the palace.

Kathiravani was welcomed with grand ceremony, many residents wanted to catch glimpse at Kathiravani as everyone heard about her great deeds, and she being a Maharani amongst the Kings of Aryavrat.

She climbed down the steeps and the rituals began, Maharani Ghandari was the one who performed the whole rituals. She then touched elders's feet and asked for blessings.

Maharani Ghandari hugged her, as she was glad there was another girl in the midst of all the boys in the palace, one that was the Kulvadhu.

After every rituals ended, she walked with Maharani Ghandari and Dushala, leaving her husband who watched her intently.


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