Chapter 48: Dirty

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**play Dirty by Korn when you see (*) for a better read

Trigger Warning: drug abuse and mentions of forced sex


Bunker Hill- Los Angeles

The morning sun poured through the kitchen windows, casting a warm, golden light across the room. Outside, birds sang cheerfully, their melodies mingling with the tantalizing aroma of a food wafting through the air. The air was rich with the irresistible fragrance of an array of ingredients: sizzling plantains caramelizing in their own sweet juices, the mouthwatering scent of crispy bacon, and the sweet, vibrant smell of freshly brewed Café con leche.

Camila was at the stove, her hair pulled into a messy bun that framed her face elegantly. She wore one of Lauren's oversized shirts, the fabric loose and slightly rumpled, falling off one shoulder. The shirt rode up slightly, revealing a hint of the tiny thong she wore underneath and exposing her slender legs that seemed endless. As she worked, Camila stirred a pan of fluffy, golden scrambled eggs, occasionally flipping crispy, golden arepas and garnishing them with fresh cilantro. Her bare feet padded lightly across the tiled floor as she moved around the kitchen effortlessly. The soft hum of a classic Cuban tune filled the air, blending seamlessly with the clatter of pots and pans and the rhythmic sizzle from the stove. Camila managed multiple dishes with ease, making sure every detail meticulously crafted was perfect in order to create a comforting, hearty breakfast for Lauren.

However, soothing ambiance of the morning shattered abruptly when Camila heard the unmistakable sound of Lauren retching from the bedroom. Camila swiftly turned down the heat on the stove, the sizzle of the food dying away as she moved with urgency. Her bare feet pattered across the tiled floor as she rushed to the bedroom. The scene that greeted her was distressing: Lauren had thrown up all over herself. Her face was streaked with tears, her cries pitiful and raw, echoing the vulnerability of a child. Camila's expression softened as she approached, her eyes filled with concern. She gently cooed and murmured soothing words, her hands moving to comfort Lauren. Grimacing with a sigh, Camila set about cleaning up the mess, her movements tender and careful as she attended to Lauren, tenderly wiping her face with the wet rag she'd left of the nightstand before she'd put Lauren to bed.

Camila held Lauren's face in one hand, while her eyes remained focused and her hands steady as she worked to clean Lauren up. She gently guided Lauren from the bed, holding her steady by wrapping an arm around her back. Lauren's movements were shaky, her body swaying slightly, and Camila's presence provided a steady anchor. As they reached the bathroom, Camila deftly helped Lauren out of her ruined clothes until she remained in her boxers, the warmth of her fingers brushing Lauren's clammy skin making her shudder.

With a rueful smile, Camila drew a warm bath, the steam rising in gentle wisps and carrying with it a faint scent of lavender from the bath salts she sprinkled in. She adjusted the water's temperature carefully, testing it with her hand before helping Lauren step in, still in her boxers. Lauren winced slightly as she sank into the water, the warmth of the water stinging the open wounds on her clammy back. Camila cupped her hands and soothingly poured water over Lauren's chest and upper back, her voice a low murmur as she gently reassured Lauren.

Camila moved to pick up Lauren's dirty clothes off the floor, tossing them into a nearby hamper, and then turned her attention back to Lauren. She gently washed away the remnants of Lauren's distress, her touch soft but firm, making sure Lauren felt cared for. She settled on the edge of the bath, watching Lauren face for any signs of pain. Lauren slumped back in the tub, looking utterly exhausted. She moved her hand under the water, her movements languid as she gently splashed the water with the faintest semblance of playfulness, like a child lost in a moment of innocence.

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