Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

It's been a month since he left me in this old mansion. He left me without a single word, no one is here. He doesn't even care to hire a maid nor caretaker. I woke up on my bed and tied up my hair, I already cleaned this entire house for fucking 35th times and I'll keep cleaning this shit up until he came back wherever he is.

I'm just staring myself at the mirror, I don't even allow to went outside of his property lane because he made sure that the entire mansion, gate, door or even the windows are locked and I don't have even have a rights to use any gadgets, television or any communication devices. Thanks to him, he at least made sure that I have a lot of foods and water in any case I'm not going to die alone. I'm slowly fucked up, living alone for a month and not knowing where he is, what he is doing or is he still alive? I just take a deep breath and splash some water on my face because maybe it's just a nightmare but then when I open my's not and with that, I decided to go to the dining area.

"We're running out of milk" I said to myself when I open the refrigerator, I'm planning to have some milk and bread but I change my mind and decided to have some coffee instead. I'm just sitting at the veranda and staring at the trees where swaying in the winds while the leaves are rumbling, I take a few sips and take a deep breath while contemplating things. I remember when we first met, I was 17 years old and he is in his mid-30's at that time. I was young yet craving for love.

I was born and raised in New Zealand but when I was 6 years old, my mom and I left my abusive father and decided to flight back to South Korea, after that I don't have any update about him and I do believe that he doesn't care about us. After a few years, my mom got married with her new husband while carrying their child. I thought we will become a happy family not until when I was 10 years old. My step father began to became an abusive towards me and my mom and became addicted to alcohol, I was so young back then and don't know what to do. There was a rumor that my step father didn't divorce to his first wife and he's not supporting his daughter or son, I don't know... I'm just a young back then. But there is a thing that I decided to leave and living on my own, when I reached the teenage years, my step father abused me sexually, physically and mentally when I tried to tell it to my mom, I can't help but to cry. She told me that don't tell it to everyone especially the authority because we're nowhere to go and I need to think about my little sister and she even said that I'm selfish for saying those things.

As a 13 years old girl, I learned to stepped up on my own, make my own money and I even experience not to eat for a few days until I starve to death. I'm nowhere to go, I'm just laying at the side of the street while hugging myself because of too much cold caused by the snow and because of that, I promise to myself that this is the last time that I lay myself down on the street and I'll became rich. Fortunately, even if I am minor Mr. Choi, the owner of the famous bar in Seoul allowed me to became a waitress and because of that, I can manage to finance my own expenses without the help of others. However, I'm not contented of what I have and it's not enough.


April 24, 2020 7:00 PM

Seoul, South Korea

I am working to Mr. Choi's bar since 13 years old and four years passed I'm still doing the same thing but the difference is I do a multiple job. In the morning, I am working at the Korean Mart and sometimes I have a small business offer where I sell my own paintings. Meanwhile, after my duty at the Korean Mart, I rushed myself to go to Mr. Choi's bar and luckily, I'm able to went early.

"Jennie!" Mr. Choi said and lit his cigarette

"Good evening Mr. Choi, how are you?" I asked him, because few months ago he was confined at the hospital because of a lung problem but there he is, lighting up his cigarette so I just shrug

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