Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

"I adore you" She added

I don't know how to feel right now. I feel the butterflies in my stomach. That night was the most romantic day of my entire life. Lisa caressed my face and kissed me on the lips passionately. I adore you. What does it mean? I don't know what she means by that, but I'm just following her around and wondering what she's going to do next.

Lisa moves away from our kiss, and I bet she's waiting for my response, but I just drew a smile on my lips.

"You don't have to explain, Lisa. I understand. I know it's very distinctive to have this kind of situation. First, we were both married to the same guy, and now this. I know I put you in a very complicated situation. I wasn't supposed to say those words in the first place, but I did." I said it genuinely because it's right, it's not her fault. Me neither.

It wasn't planned or something.

Lisa shook her head and caressed my cheeks. She put her forehead on mine, and we stayed like this for a few seconds. I noticed that she was teary-eyed, and I think I was wrong for thinking that she's an asshole and douchebag. I didn't even realize that maybe she's just having a hard time explaining herself.

"It's not what I mean, Jennie. It's not about him, but I-I-I J-us-"

"Shhhhh... You don't have to explain, I understand." I cut her words and hug her tight. I want to assure her that it was okay, I'm fine.

"Whenever you are ready, I will wait for you. I'm already content with what you've said. It's enough for me." I said, Lisa hug me tight.

You are my safe place, Lisa.


Lisa and I are walking while she's holding my hands. We'd talked and had our moments for a few minutes before we decided to come back to the event hall. She also stated that Min-jun was looking for me, I just nodded at her for a response. We're going back to the event, but unfortunately, we didn't notice that it's already done, and there's an ongoing after-party event in the event hall.

There are a lot of guests and new faces, but I'm sure that they are all rich and fancy people looking at us, maybe because they are wondering that both of Min-jun's wives are walking hand in hand.

"Are you alright?" I go back to reality when Lisa whispers to my ear, I smile at her nervously. She squeezes my hands assuring me that everything is going to be alright.

"Are you nervous?" She added, I just nodded at her.

"Come here." I didn't protest but let her drag me somewhere, after a few minutes, Lisa and I sitting in the back corner.

"Why are we here? They'll surely be looking for you." I said it, but Lisa just crossed her legs and got a tequila that was served by the head waiter.

"Well, I'm enjoying accompanying you rather than talking with them." She said it and drank her tequila

But yeah, she's right. Being a rich, wealthy woman is kind of boring, and sometimes I'm thankful because I experienced having a life before. I can do whatever I want without thinking about what they are going to say about me. There are pros and cons to being a wealthy woman. You can have all the expensive things, money, and everything, but you cannot have a happy and genuine life.

Just like the woman beside me, I'm staring at her while she's taking a sip of her tequila. She seems like such an unbothered woman, but I know she's struggling for something. The way she looks at me, I feel like she's sad and...


"Hey, are you drunk?" I said this when I noticed her red cheeks.

"Kinda, but I can handle it, don't worry," She said and drew a smile on her lips

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