Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up because of the sun light that reflecting on my face, I couldn't move myself and I feel like I'm stiffed on one place. My vision became clear, clears that I could see a naked woman laying on my bed and with that, I push her away.

"Ouch! Why did you do that" Lisa said while holding her butt and revealing her naked body. I don't know but I feel a little bit awkward when she stands up as if there's nothing happened.

"Have some manner, honey." She added and lay herself again onto bed

"Have some manner, honey" I said and trying to imitate how she acts like child, Lisa on the other side furrowed her eyebrows and roll her eyes on me.

"What? Are you mad at me? You better go home honey." I said and smirk at her, but this girl didn't look or didn't mad at me hence she's just smile and lit her cigarette.

"Who do you think you are, Jennie? If you think that I'll give up so easily" She said and pause, I'm just looking at her eyes and realize that she didn't look a Korean, I'm thinking what is her nationality? Because her eyes are too big like an almond, her full lips compliment her small face.

I'm scanning her face. I realized that she didn't look that bad maybe because of the dim light last night, but I stop when my eyes glued to her lips, it looks so soft and I'm thinking if Min-jun already tasted those lips.

Am I gulping?

"Tell me if you're done checking on me." She said and smoke her cigarette, this girl is a chain-smoker... I guess.

"Stop being delusional Lisa, I don't even have a guts to look at your face or stare at chills me to death" I said and hissed at her but this girl didn't even flinch nor gives any expression thus she's just continue to smoke her cigarette

"I know who you are Jennie and please don't give me a reason to reveal it." She said and put her cigarette on the ashtray and look straight to my face

"I'm the sweetest and kindest person you'll meet honey but if someone trying to test me, I'll make sure they didn't succeed." She added and put my hair on my ears but I slap her hands in annoyance. Lisa stand up and put some t-shirts on before she turns her head on me.

"Ciao" She said and walks out the door.

"Get out!!!!!" I yell at her and throw a pillow but lucky her she walks out the door

What she's talking about? What did she say? She knows me? Is she trying to threatening me? For what? For Min-Jun? What does she know about me? Who are you Lisa.


I can't help but to think about what she has said a while ago, I decided to take a shower and forget those things that she have said on me but I failed. I'm walking down the stair and heard someone having a small conversation. I walk towards the kitchen when I saw Min-jun and Lisa talking to each other, Lisa preparing a food for him.

I'm the one who supposed to do that but this girl in front of me trying to steal my throne and my husband particularly.

"Good morning honey, have a seat. Lisa prepare a food for us." Min-jun said while smiling, while me? I just give him a cold stare.

"I thought you're having a business trip today, why are you here?" I said and directly headed to the refrigerator and get some milk instead. Of course, I don't want to get poisoned by this filthy woman in front of me and I'm not going to let her do that.

"Well my business partner re-scheduled the meeting by 4PM and my flight re-scheduled by noon time. You're not happy that I'm here?" He said and take a sip of his coffee

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