Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Lisa was waiting patiently for Hana regarding the result of Chaeyoung's profile. Her hands were trembling, and she didn't have any idea why she felt nervous about the result. Lisa noticed that Hana was quite shocked while reading the profile.

"According to the database Ms. Choi..." Lisa was waiting patiently for Hana regarding the result of Chaeyoung's profile. Her hands were trembling, and she didn't have any idea why she felt nervous about the result. Lisa noticed that Hana was quite shocked while reading the profile.

Lisa can't wait for what she's going to say.

"Park Chae-young... de-deceased" Hana can't utter those words but Lisa's jaw drops in disbelief.

"W-what?" She said she was trying to hold her tears in front of her. Her heart felt heavy at that moment, and her eyes became blurry. Her broken heart weighed so heavily on her that she could barely make herself move, much less feel.

"A-are you okay, Ms. Choi?" Hana said that when she noticed the woman in front of her was in a state of shock, she just froze in her seat. Lisa shook her head and slapped her face thinking that it was just a nightmare but when she realized the cruel reality, Lisa held her tears for a moment.

"May I excuse myself for a while? I need to use the bathroom." Lisa said,

"You can use the staff's bathroom," Hana replied, but she didn't hear and didn't have any plans to listen; hence, she just wanted to explode or disappear at that moment.

Lisa rushes herself to enter the bathroom, she's staring at the mirror while letting out all the tears that she holds in front of Hana. She cries and sobs until she can't cry anymore, Lisa covers her mouth so no one can notice that she's crying and sobbing.


Lisa was frightened when someone knocked on the door. She wiping her tears over and over again, but her tears were traitorous; they were just flowing on her cheeks, and she was trembling uncontrollably.

"Ms. Choi?" Hana said while knocking at the door

"Wait for a second." - Lisa

"A-are you alright?" - Hana

"Y-yeah" Lisa said while clenching her fist and trying to hold back her tears. When she calms herself, Lisa walks towards the sink, washes her face, and stares at the mirror for a few seconds.

Lisa takes a deep breath before she opens the door

"Sorry, I took it so long. My stomach was upset a while ago. Shall we?" Lisa said to continue to walk, Hana followed her with confusion.

"I know, who you are," Hana said it out of nowhere, which made Lisa stun.

"Huh?" Lisa gives her a cold stare. Lisa raises one eyebrow, waiting for her response. Hana walks towards her.

"You used to be here, right? You're also an orphan here at the Lighthouse." Hana held her hand, but Lisa pushed her away and stepped backward.

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