Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

Jennie POV

"Yeah her one and only sister." She said while crossing her arms. Jisoo wasn't satisfied with what she did and walked in my direction and repeated what she had done earlier.

She's staring at me, from head to toe.

What's up with her? But instead of complaining or giving her a bad attitude, I remain calm and smile at her instead. I don't want to give her a bad impression, and as much as I can, I am still gaining their trust. I know Min-jun came from a wealthy family, and I understand if they are against me.

"Hey, Jisoo. How are you? I didn't know you were here." I said it just to start a conversation with her; am I supposed to say that?

Anyway, it is what it is.

Jisoo smirks at me as if I'm asking a stupid question.

"Of course, I'm here. This is an exclusive event for those who can afford to go to this kind of event. Be thankful because Oppa let you experience this kind of party. Am I right?" She said it in her most sarcastic way.

Is it normal for a rich family to have this kind of attitude? First, Lisa, but I found out that she's truly a kind and sweet person, and then, her? Really? I shook my head and smiled again at her.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm very grateful that I became his wife," I said, but after a few seconds, I was surprised when Jisoo laughed at me and took a sip of her wine.

What's wrong? Did I say something that made her laugh?

I'm just staring at her while she's laughing and keeps pointing at me like I'm trash or something. I didn't notice that a lot of visitors were staring at us. I'm looking from left to right while staring at them and murmuring or talking about me.

From that moment on, I couldn't help but overthink what they were thinking about me.

"That's her other wife."

"Really? He met her at the bar."

"A gold digger."

I don't know what to feel but I'm ashamed of myself. Everyone is looking at me, and I don't know if it's okay to hear all those words or let them talk about you. I started to gaze with a woman in front of me, she shook her head and hissed.

"I knew it. You are just the same as the other gold digger woman that he met." She said it while walking and keeping closer to me. I step backward as she walks in front of me. I want to go home. I'm trying to check if Min-jun's are just there, but he isn't there.

Where are you Min-jun?

"T-that's not true," I said it even if it's all right. She's right. I'm just a gold digger, but I'm trying to love him as much as I can.

"Not true? It's true, honey. You're just marrying him because of his money, right? So it's right, you are just a gold digger bitch." She said straight to my face.

The next thing that she does is throw her wine at me. I tried my best to escape it, but it failed.


The music stops, and everyone is looking at me. I'm just looking at them and everything went dark and Jisoo is the only person that I'm seeing right now.

Don't cry

Don't cry

Don't cry

I say it hundreds of times, but my tears are traitorous and automatically flow to my cheeks.

The Secret of Min-Jun's wife | JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now