Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

"Jennie, honey."

When Min-Jun walks in while holding a bouquet of flowers and tons of gifts.

"M-min-jun." I said and look at Lisa's direction. I stun for a few seconds.

"M-Mrs. Kim, your Kimchi stew aren't stew anymore." I back to my normal self when Kai blow the silence between the three of us.

"Oh shit" I said and turn of the stove. I took a deep breath and simply look at her. I can't help but to feel awkward.

"It's for me, Min-jun?" Lisa said and walk towards him and gives him a peck of kiss. Min-jun was a little bit shock when Lisa do that but then when he realizes that Lisa clung herself onto him, Min-jun can't do anything.

"Y-yeah, this one is for you." Min-jun said even if I know that it isn't for her.

He handed me the paper bag, but Min-jun walked in my direction and kissed me on the lips. Honestly, I couldn't help but worry about her and how she feels right now. I know that for her, it is just sex, but I can't help.

I clear my throat and give him a simple smile

"Thank you," I said when he gave me the bouquet of flowers and his gifts. I couldn't help but to think about her, I couldn't take my eyes off her while Min-Jun's eyes keep staring at me.

I clear my throat

"L-let's eat" I said, Min-jun nods at me in response and sit on our dining table on the other side Lisa gives me a cold stare and I don't know what she's thinking right now but I still give her an assurance look and give her a little smile.

"Come on." I whispered to her and simply patted her shoulder, I don't know but I just wanted her to know that I'm not going to do anything and it's fucking weird to think that I'm giving my husband's other wife an assurance or something.

I don't even need to explain anything to her. At first place, she knows that Min-Jun is my husband legally.

But there's something came up in my mind. I shook my head.

Min-jun is sitting in the opposite direction, but I decided to sit beside her and give her a quick smile. Lisa didn't respond, and then I prepared all the food that I cooked. I'm giving and serving food for Min-jun because I used to do this because he wanted to be treated as a king. He wants you to serve for him, which makes him happy, and he will give you the way you deserve to be treated.

I'm about to sit down when Lisa bang her fist on the table that makes me and Min-jun shock because of what she did.

"What are you doing" I said with my eyes wide open, I know that Min-jun was also shock but he just raised his eyebrow on her.

We're waiting for her explanation but Lisa just clench her fist and jaw without look at our direction. What is happening to her? I'm confused.

"What?" I said it again. Lisa just took a deep breath and gave me a death glare before she gazed her eyes on him... to Min-jun.

"I lost my appetite." She said and walk out the dining room

"Lis- "

"Let her." I'm about to call her. I know there's something going on with her. She didn't eat for how many hours, and I know she's hungry. I'm worried about her, but I don't want Min-jun's to get suspicious about what is happening between me and Lisa.

"Y-yeah... she's being a bitch I think" I said and roll my eyes

That night.... That was the loneliest and saddest dinner I've ever had.

The Secret of Min-Jun's wife | JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now