Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Today is the day when all of the adoptees are given a chance to choose and get to know the children that they want to adopt. Pranpriya is sitting and staring herself in the mirror while Chaeyoung is combing her hair. You can see through their eyes how sad they are, but Pranpriya needs to be strong; she has a mission, and that is the justice of his father.

"You look great today." Chaeyoung broke the silence while she was staring at her love of her life, wearing a red dress. Pranpriya, on the other hand, drew a smile on her lips. She's in her saddest life for that moment; hence, she's happy at the same time because she has a chance to avenge his father's life.

Hands-to-hands together, Pranpriya and Chaeyoung walk towards the show hall, where all of the adoptees are. Both young girls are squeezing each other's hands, especially Chaeyoung. She knows how nervous the person standing beside her is. They are both looking straight up and staring at nothing.

"Mr. Choi, please let me know if you wanted to adopt... or not" An old man was walking around the hall and observing the behavior of all the children inside the orphanage. The old man stops between Pranpriya and Chaeyoung, Pranpriya couldn't help but squeeze the hand of her beloved. Chaeyoung having a big smile on her lips when the old man falls his eyes on her.

"What is your name, young lady?" The old man said

"Chaeyoung-a imn- "

"Not you." Chaeyoung feel embarrassed when the old man cutted her words but she remains to smile with him.

"I mean.... You, what's your name?" The old man said and move forward to Pranpriya with wide eyes open.

"M-me?" She said that makes the entire hall shock when Pranpriya finally response to the old man.

"I thought she's mute?" – Bully1

"What? That freak knows how to speak Korean?" – Bully 2

"No, it can't be." – Bully 3

"Yes, you. I want to know your name." Mr. Choi said, Lisa gulp and take a deep breath. Chaeyoung at the same time, look down because she already knows that Pranpriya will leave her soon.

"Pranpriya Manobal." Mr. Choi nods at her and walk towards the social welfare

"Kindly arrange her paper. I wanted to adopt her." He said and about to leave

"Ahjussi, are you sure about-"

"I am absolutely sure, Beom." He prominently said, Beom can't do anything but to bow with his uncle's order.


Most of the young ladies went back to the barracks; however, Chaeyoung and Pranpriya left the show hall. Chaeyoung remained silent and didn't look up to her; she didn't know what to feel in that moment. She's happy with her. She needs to.

Pranpriya is about to hug her but Chaeyoung moves backward and take away her hand on her.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me. I know what you're going to say." Chaeyoung said that. Look at her and gives a bitter smile.

"Honestly, I-I don't know what to feel right now. I'm a little bit jealous but I'm genuinely happy for you, I don't know... Maybe because you'll left me...alone, here." Chaeyoung confess to her. Pranpriya can't help but to pity her but she's sad too because she knows how it feels. Lisa cupped her face while staring at her.

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