Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

It's been a week since Lisa and I lived under the same roof. As usual, we're like a dog and cat fighting, yelling, and, worst of all, cursing at each other. How can I calm myself thinking that I'm the only one who cooks our food, cleans the entire house, and even does the laundry? While her? Well, she's so busy drinking all the alcohol in our mini bar and being a chain smoker all day. Sometimes, I can't help but wonder if she's a woman or not, because when Min-jun is here, she's a very sophisticated, fine lady. She even cooks' food for him, and then now? She can't even hold a sponge or wash dishes and is just lying on her bed all day and staying awake at night.

It is the middle of the night. I already lay in bed, but I couldn't fall asleep, and I think it's the same with the lady who lays beside me every night. Hence, she's not here. I started to scan the entire room, hoping that she's here, but there's no blonde Lisa sitting on the couch, and my mind started to think that maybe she realized that it's comfortable for both of us and very appropriate if she stays and sleeps in the guest room.

I'm trying to close my eyes and clear my mind, but I failed. I've already done that hundreds of times. I checked the clock and saw that it's already 1:30 AM, and I'm just trying to fall asleep for half an hour but I couldn't. With that, I decided to wake up and wear my bathrobe.

I think I need some air to relax.

As I walk towards the hallway, I'm wondering if Lisa has already fallen asleep. What a ridiculous mind to think of her! I shake my head and decide to go to the kitchen.

My stomach is growling in the middle of the night. Really, Jennie? You're hungry at this hour? I'm just thinking of drinking some milk, but I change my mind. I'm hungry as hell. I'm about to enter the kitchen.


I was taken aback when I heard a noise coming from the kitchen and saw a shadow at the corner of the kitchen.

"W-who is that?" I whispered to myself, but then I remembered that maybe it's her. Lisa. But what's she doing there? Is she hungry too?

I fearlessly walk towards the kitchen, trying to check who it was.

"Lisa? Are you there?" I said it in a very soft tone. No one is responding, so even if I'm in a state of doubt, I still decided to enter the kitchen. As I enter, I'm scanning the entire kitchen, but no one is there. But who was it?

I'm about to reached the corner of the kitchen when I heard someone's voice

"L-Lisa?" I said this when I saw Lisa sitting on the ground, groaning and suffering in pain. It's totally dark here, but I can still see how much she is suffering right now. I turn on the lights and I'm totally shock when I saw her. The blood is covering her entire body. I don't know where she went, but she looks totally messed up right now.

"W-What happened?" I said it nervously, as my entire body was shaking while looking at her. Lisa didn't respond. Lisa took a deep breath as she endured the pain that she's experiencing.

"What should I do"

"What should I do"

"What should I do"

I started to panic while saying those words in my mind and to Lisa. I can't think clearly. What should I do?

"G-get s-some first aid kit, f-fuck" Lisa said while groaning and covering her left arm. I'm like a child and follow what she has said without saying a word.

I know Lisa and I are not on good terms, but I'm not that bad to let someone die in front of me. I can't do that to anyone. I didn't waste time and ran to the attic room located in the basement. I went inside and tried to look for a first-aid kit while I was searching for something. My eyes call attention to the photo of a woman displayed on the wall.

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