Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Tell me you don't want this. I'll stop." She said

I couldn't move my feet. I feel like I'm frozen and stunned in front of her. This woman in front of me is good at playing games, and her games aren't fun anymore. I wanted to escape, but I feel like she's cornering me for a few seconds with her words. Lisa is really good at manipulating people. I thought Min-jun was manipulative, but this woman is way worse than him.

"Tell me." She said like she owns me, she said like she's a dominant. I take a deep breath, but Lisa is staring at my eyes and never bothers to look away, and I feel like she's going to bite me as soon as she wants.

I didn't talk for a few seconds

"Lisa." That's the only word that I utter to her. Lisa raised her eyebrow, waiting for my answer, but I just shook my head and looked away from her.

"You don't want this. Aren't you?" She said, and, trying to kiss me again on my nape, I responded with a soft moan.

Are you fucking nuts, Lisa? Isn't it obvious? I do like it, moron!

"Lisa, please stop." I said when I feel the butterflies in my stomach that any time soon, I'll be exploding or something.

Lisa stop

Why did she stop?

Fuck! Of course, you told her to stop. What do you expect?

Lisa didn't talk. She's just standing there like nothing happened. I stood up, and while staring at her, she's about to walk out the door, and I know I have the dumbest thing on my mind.


Jennie walked towards her and held the woman's arm very tight. Lisa didn't expect her to do that, but she's just staring at her, waiting for what she's going to say.

"You know what? You're the stupidest, dumbest, irritating person I've ever met." Jennie said that makes Lisa confused at her.

"I k- "

"Shut up." Jennie said and cut her words. The next thing that she does is, she tip-toe to reach Lisa's face and kiss her gently on her lips. For the first time in her entire life, she kisses someone passionately, she kisses someone not forcing herself to do that.

Lisa cupped her face while caressing her gently, every touch that she's doing, Jennie can't help but to feel the sensation inside her body. She knows that she's safe with her. Jennie is still confusing because of what they are doing right now but she didn't refuse to do it anyway.

Even if her mind saying it's wrong

Her body, her soul, saying that it's all alright.

She's right

Maybe this is what she wants.

And for the first time in her life, Jennie does it with someone that she didn't need to force herself to do it. That day, the two woman unite.


Lisa and I are laying on the bed under the sheet with our naked body. I can't help but to smile while looking at her, she smiling too. We're both smiling silly.

"Why are you smiling?" She said and giggled

"You're smiling." I teased her, Lisa drew smile on her lips and touch my nose.

"Hey, that's illegal." Lisa raised her eyebrows, I'm trying to get serious in front of her even if I look like a douchebag.

"Is it also illegal?" She said and kiss my shoulder

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