Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


"I'm sorry about that."

"Hi, I'm Chaeyoung. What's your name?" She added and bow to her.

Pranpriya doesn't have the intention to talk to her or make friends with her. She's just staring blankly at her instead. When Chaeyoung notices that Lisa didn't respond, she's just taking a deep breath and smiling at her.

"Ahhhhh, I forgot, you didn't speak Korean or English right?" She said, but Pranpriya didn't answer. Chaeyoung bows her head and places her hands together.

"Sawasdee Ka, Chaeyoung na ka. Sabai dee mai ka?" Chaeyoung said she's trying so hard to speak Thai, even if it sounds foreign to her. Lisa bowed to her and placed her hands together also, but she didn't respond to her and walked away and left her.

"What's wrong with her?" Chaeyoung said and shrug her shoulder.

After that day, Chaeyoung kept talking and sat beside her every breakfast, lunch, or dinner, even if Pranpriya didn't talk to her. She's consistently talking to her, saying random things, and even sharing her food, even if Pranpriya doesn't take her food or totally ignores her.

Pranpriya used to do that kind of routine until one morning, when she noticed that there was no Chaeyoung sitting beside her. She can't help but look around and find her. But there is no Chaeyoung, she said to herself.

"Maybe she's already tired doing that thing." She said to herself and ate her breakfast. Pranpriya continued her morning routine; after she ate, she immediately headed back to her quarter. As usual, she doesn't have any plans to join the morning activity, which is their morning exercise.

A few hours passed, but no Chaeyoung has been found. Lisa is eating her dinner alone, so she's simply checking the entire cafeteria and hoping that she can find her.

"Where is she?" She said to herself but again, Lisa didn't mind her and just continue what she's going.

After she ate, Lisa was about to go to their shared room when she noticed something. She's walking in the hallway when she hears someone's voice.



"Hey" Pranrpiya said when she hears a voice inside the facility room,

"Hey, c-can you help me? I'm starving to death and it's dark here, I can't see anything... please."

"C-chaeyoung?" Lisa was shocked when she knew that it was Chaeyoung's voice. She rushes herself to get there and unlock the door. Chaeyoung covered her eyes when she saw a light outside the facility room.

"Y-you." Chaeyoung said, she's about to walk towards her when she fainted

"C-chaeyoung?" She said.


Chaeyoung woke up in the middle of the night when she notices that she's not in her bunk bed, but she's more surprise when she saw Pranpriya sleeping beside her. She moves a little way that cause Pranpriya to be awake.

"Sawadee, khop khun kha" Chaeyoung said and place her hand together, Pranpriya can't help but drew a smile on her lips because Chaeyoung trying so hard to sounds local. Chaeyoung was amuse and suddenly fell to Pranpriya's smile, she held her face and caressed it.

"You're smiling." Chaeyoung said but she shook her head. Pranpriya's barracks are filled of darkness but the moon is shining so bright that night.

"I'm sorry, I'm still learning a Thai language..." Chaeyoung said and look down, Pranpriya shook her head and lift her chin up.

"I know how to speak Korean and English." Chaeyoung is totally mind-blowing when she suddenly speaks, especially when she speaks Korean.

"You're so fluent in Korean. Wait, I'm confused. I thought you were mute because you didn't talk to anyone else." Chaeyoung said, but Pranpriya's face suddenly changed, which made Chaeyoung notice it.

"But i-if you're not comfortable to talk about it... it's fin-." Chaeyoung said and smile to her.

"After my dad was killed and no one help us to find his killer and give him a justice... I became like this." Pranpriya cut off her words, and her eyes became blurred while trying not to cry, but she failed. She became vulnerable when it came to her dad.

"...And I promise to myself that I will find him wherever he is, and I'll make sure that he'll pay for what he has done to my father" Pranpriya said and let her tears out, Chaeyoung on the other hand, pity her and held her hand tight

"I will help you, I promise" Pranpriya smiles bitterly

"How can we do that? We're here." – Pranpriya

"if we get a chance to escape here or someone could able to adopt us... and change our life, we could able to do that." – Chaeyoung

"Why are you like that?" – Pranpriya

"There's nothing to lose." – Chaeyoung said and smile

"Thank you." That is the only word that she says.


Pranpriya started to participate in the orphanage's activities; Chaeyoung, on the other hand, helped and guided her in every step that they took. 3 years passed, and both of them became closer and became constant, to the point that everyone in the orphanage thought that they were together. Both of them are aware of their speculation, and they didn't deny nor confirm it, but they do know that they are not just best friends; they are more than just friends.

Tomorrow is the day they have a chance to get adopted. Pranpriya and Chaeyoung are sitting on the field; there's a deafening silence between them. They are both looking at the stars while holding each other's hands. Chaeyoung can't help but start to gaze at her. She admires this young girl from the very start, but she's afraid that Pranpriya might get mad at her and lose her.

But she didn't know where else she could tell how much she loved her. She didn't know if they could see each other again if there was a chance that one of them would get adopted.

"What are you looking at?" Pranpriya said that without looking at her, Chaeyoung rested her head on her shoulder and let the tears flow to her cheeks, but she didn't want to get caught, so she simply wiped her tears.

"If there's any chance that one of us will get adopted, will you find me?" Pranpriya caught her attention and looks at her, she saw how sad she is that makes Pranpriya falling into pieces.

"Of course, I am. Please don't say that; they will adopt us together. Remember? We will find my father's killer, and you'll become a richest man on earth, right?" She said, Chaeyoung couldn't help but cry.

Pranpriya wipe her tears and hug her tight and give her an assurance that she'll never leave her no matter what happened.

"Promise me, if you are able to escape here... Find me, no matter what happened. I will wait for you." Chaeyoung said while sobbing.

"Shhhh, I'm always here for you- "

"I love you, Pran"

Chaeyoung cut her and moved away from her. Pranpriya didn't expect that, but she already knew about this, and little did she know, Pranpriya feels the same. She's just waiting for the right time to tell her how much she loves this woman in front of her. Pranpriya, didn't respond hence move closer to her and cupped her face.

She kissed the woman she loved—the woman who didn't leave her in every situation and circumstance, the woman who became her one and only family, the woman who made her feel that she's special and irreplaceable.

"I love you more Chaeyoung, more than anything else." 





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