Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

June 29, 2015
Daegu, North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea

"The world's strongest storm of the year is making its way across the South Korea, causing widespread damage and forcing millions of people to flee to safer ground. Super Typhoon Chan-hom smashed into the central island of Jeju early on Sunday morning, packing sustained winds of up to 315 kilo-"

"kee! [shit!]"

"Pran! Watch your mouth!"

"chăn khǎaw thôot ka [I'm sorry]"

Pranpriya Manobal, a 12-year-old girl, was watching television with her dad when a blackout happened at their home. Lisa, stand up and check if it is still raining. When she was just 3 years old, her parents decided to migrate to South Korea for uncertain reasons. Her dad never spoke about the real reason why they needed to migrate to South Korea until her mom died when she was just 6 years old. Growing up, Lisa became independent at a young age, and they used to run and leave town. Fortunately, this is the first time that she and her dad have stayed in a home town for a year.

"Pran, come here." Her dad said and lit up the candle, Pranpriya didn't hesitate to come to her dad and sit beside him.

His dad staring at her for a few seconds and held his daughter's arm.

"Are you okay dad?" At this moment, Pranpriya doesn't have an idea what is going on with his dad. For the past few days, his dad became anxious and she even drop out to her school and stayed home for a few weeks.

"Take this." His dad gave his gold wedding ring to his daughter that makes her confuse.

"What is this, dad?" She asks him. His dad shook her head and kiss her forehead.

"Take care of yourself. I know how brave you are. I know you can live without me, and I know how smart you are. Please remember how much I and your mom love you." He said, Pranpriya furrow her eyebrows

"Dad, I don't understand." Lisa said trying not to cry.

"I can't explain with you right now, but promise me to take care of yourself. Alright?" He insists that Lisa became weak for that moment when she saw her dad crying.

"D-dad, y-you're scaring me." That is the only word that she says.

"Just promise me- "


"Dad wh- "

Her dad cut her words and drag her in her room.

"Da- "

"Shhhhhh! Stay here. No matter what happen, just stay here. Is it clear?" Pranpriya is totally tangled and nervous at the same time. She can't breathe for that moment, especially when she hears someone trying to open the door of their unit.

"Dad, w-what is happening." She said

"Just stay here." Her dad didn't wait for her daughter to respond. Hence, he closes the cabinet and leaves her alone in her room. Pranpriya can't do anything and follows what his dad says to her.

On the other hand, his dad walks the living room and moved the table at the door, he hears how the stranger trying to open the door.

"Seon! [Sun in Korean name]"

He didn't anticipate how many people were trying to kill him, but Seon loaded his gun and pointed it at the door.

"I know you are there, Seon. It's just me, I'm the only one here. Why don't you welcome your old friend?" The man said, Seon is trying not to respond, but the man kept knocking, screaming, and pissing him.

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