Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

Kim Min-jun and his wives are riding a limousine and went to the big event. There is a red carpet waiting for them. Kim Min-jun is sitting between his wives, but Jennie can't stop gazing into the eyes of the woman she loves; hence, Lisa, on the other hand, is just sitting there sophistically.

"You look dazzling tonight, honey," Min-jun whispered to Jennie, but she didn't respond to it and just drew a smile on her lips. She looked down and took a deep breath. After how many months, it seemed the first time that she'd encounter and socialize with others, and she couldn't help but feel nervous and uneasy.

"Shall we, ladies?" Min-jun said with confidence that he cleared his throat when one of the bodyguards opened the door for them. There are a lot of cameras pointing at them, but Min-jun doesn't care about them. He helps his wives come out and assist them up to the red carpet.

Jennie and Lisa walk together and smile at the camera's pointing at them

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Jennie and Lisa walk together and smile at the camera's pointing at them. Lisa is wearing a beautiful sage green long gown, while Jennie is wearing a simple yet elegant white gown. Jennie personally picked to wear a long-sleeve gown to cover the bruises on her wrist. Her hands and lips are shaking while she is forcing herself to smile at the camera. She's not used to having this kind of life, but she has to.

"Kim Min-jun, look here."

"Lalisa Choi"

"Oh my gosh, you look stunning."

"Min-jun and Lisa, come over here. We'll take a picture of the both of you." Min-jun looks in Jennie's direction and asks for approval. Jennie just smiles at him and nods to assure him that she's alright. Min-jun takes Lisa's hand and poses for the camera. Jennie, on the other hand, was just standing there waiting for his husband and for his other wife.

"You look good together," one of the paparazzi said. Min-jun and Lisa stared into each other's eyes and laughed together. After they capture those moments, Min-jun walks toward Jennie's direction and holds her hands.

"Are you alright? Let's take a p-"

"No, I'm okay." Jennie didn't let him finish those words because she knew that she was just nothing compared to Lisa; she was just some ordinary girl that he met in a bar anyway, and no one cared about her existence; none of them cared about her. Min-jun didn't push what he was about to say; she held her hands and walked towards the event hall.


One of the business tycoons in Korea organized a fund-raising event for charities. They gathered for an exclusive bidding event with selected personalities and businessmen, and it was held at the largest convention center in Seoul. Lisa and Min-jun were invited to speak at the said event. Min-jun and his wives were assisted by one of the ushers in that event to look at their respective seats.

Mr and Mrs Kim

When Min-jun saw their name in front of the stage, when they got there, Min-jun decided to sit beside Jennie and was about to sit, but one of the event organizers walked in their direction.

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