Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Lisa is staring at the woman in front of her. She's staring at this woman as if she's a hungry, filthy mammal in a wildlife park. It's been a long day since she didn't talk, but on the other side, Lisa just wanted to explode for something that she couldn't explain to herself, which makes Jennie confused at the same time.

But looking at the woman in front of her makes her want to do some stupid things that she knows she will regret afterwards.

Lisa shook her head for doing something





She said to herself, trying to stop to think about something.

I can't

She said to herself, with that, Lisa takes a deep breath and looks straight into Jennie's eye.

"A-are you alri- "

Jennie said when she saw Lisa take a deep breath, but Lisa cut her words and kiss her hungrily.

Fuck Lisa said at the back of her mind.

She knows that Jennie will protest for what she's doing right now, but Lisa couldn't help but kiss her deeply, as if she's thirsty or dehydrated. She waits for a few seconds.

But she's wrong. Lisa is wrong. Jennie responds to her kiss, and she even deepens their kiss.

She smirks between their kisses. Jennie opens her mouth and inserts her tongue into her. Lisa can't help but caress her, which makes her feel a tingling sensation between their kiss. Lisa opened her mouth and responded to every kiss that she gave her.

For the first time in her life, Jennie let someone to kiss her without hesitation.

The both women knows that it's all wrong, that they're betraying someone... Min-jun. Hence, the two ladies step aside all the things that they're bothering right now. Lisa caressed her gently and switch their position.

Lisa is on top of her while gently kissing and caressing her. Jennie felt safe beside her; she had never felt this kind of gentleness in her entire life. She didn't even know that Lisa is a good kisser.

No, she's a great kisser she said to herself

Lisa didn't waste her time and kissed her from her neck down to her breast. Jennie couldn't help but give her a soft moan while pulling her hair with the sensation that she felt.

Jennie didn't think about anything. For a few minutes, she forgot that she's making out with a married woman, Min-jun's wife, and specifically her rival.

"L-Lisa" Jennie said that when Lisa is kissing her down to her thing, Lisa stops and looks into her eyes. You can see how shy Jennie is, while trying to cover herself.

She just nods and kisses her again on the lips while grabbing her breast. Jennie was shy and awkward, but this girl on top of her is making her wet, hence she doesn't know how to do it with her.

You can hear their heavy breath while kissing

Jennie seems so nervous and arouse at the same time.

"You don't want this?" Lisa said, gently caressing her legs and slowly putting her finger inside her shorts. Lisa makes a circular motion while rubbing her clitoral area outside her underwear that makes Jennie moan a little bit louder.

"You don't want this, aren't you?" Lisa said with her deep voice, Jennie bit her lips because of the sensation that she's currently feeling right now. She wanted to stop herself from doing this, but she cannot deny how much she likes what Lisa is doing to her.

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