Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

From that day on, I promised myself that I would never fall in love with someone else. I would never get tired of finding you, Chaeyoung. I will never get tired of loving you. How can I unlove the person who makes me realize that despite all the circumstances, how cruel life is, and the challenges that I've been through, there's still a person who will stay by your side until the end, the person who truly loves you no matter what or who you are?

I know you're just there. I know Min-jun knows where she is. Maybe he's just hiding her somewhere else; I don't know, but it seems like there is no evidence here; he's really good at hiding.

What is your dirty little secret, Kim Min-Jun?

I'm wide awake until the sun comes up. I decided to lay myself on the sofa bed. After our confrontation last night, I don't want to give her false hope that we will have a happy ending; she doesn't have any idea who I really am or what I've been through. But she has to escape here; she doesn't deserve him. It is not the real definition of love; there are a lot of things that he's hiding from her, and Chaeyoung is one of those things.

"Good morning lady, why are you here?" I'm about to get up when I see Min-jun. My eyes couldn't help but gaze at the woman behind his back, Jennie.

"I just want to be alone, Min-Jun." I just simply said and walked towards the kitchen and opened a whiskey.

"Why? What happened last night?" He said and I know that he's referring to what happened in the backyard but I just gave him a quick glance and smirk before I drink my whiskey.

"What happened last night," I said and drank it straight in front of them.

On the other side, Jennie avoided my eyes. I gave her a cold stare and an unbothered look. I pity the woman in front of me. She doesn't have any idea what love is. You can't tell if it's love just because we're doing those things, but I don't dare to tell her that. She'll never understand.

"Anyway, I let the both of you sleep in the master's bedroom. I will use the guest room instead. I need some space to breathe." I said and walk out


Jennie's POV

"What happened last night." She said when Min-jun asked her, I don't know, but I feel like she's bullshitting me right now. I'm fucking ashamed of what I've said last night. Lisa's eyes landed on me, which made me more ashamed of myself.

Lisa rolls her eyes and gives him a glance.

"Anyway, I let the both of you sleep in the master's bedroom. I will use the guest room instead. I need some space to breathe." She said and walked out, Seriously? Did I bother her? What have I done to her? I can't help but feel hurt because of what she said. I didn't do anything bad to her to deserve this kind of treatment.

"What's wrong with her?" I stomped my feet in irritation, but Min-jun kissed my forehead and trying to calm me. How can I calm myself with that kind of attitude?

"She's just being her." Min-jun said and shrugged, I rolled my eyes on him. I'm sorry, okay? Can't help with it. I'm fucking annoyed right now.

"Why are you being like that, hon?" Min-jun said it and chuckled, he was about to kiss me on my neck but I refused and moved backward.

"I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood." I simply said and drink some water

Take a deep breath Rubyjane, you can do this.



"Urgh" I can't calm myself, what the fuck is this.

The Secret of Min-Jun's wife | JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now