Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jennie POV

After we ate, Lisa and I went to our room but we're both silent as we go upstairs. There's a lot of question that I wanted to ask right now and I'm started to questioned myself also for letting her to do those things but to worst is instead of stopping her, I enjoyed it.


I sighed when I remembered what happened, but I also feel the heat inside my body right now. I simply checked her through my peripheral vision.

"What are you looking at." Lisa said without giving me a gaze. I shook my head.

She doesn't care

I could feel it.

Why I feel so disappointed right now? I'm confused. I just can't accept the fact that I easily gave up myself on her.

And the worst is... she's a woman, she's Min-jun's wife.

Both of us are Min-Jun's wife.

I stop and stare into her eyes. I can't take this anymore. I'm losing my mind right now. What the fuck!

"What?" She just simply said

"Get out of my room!" I scream, which makes her shocked, and walk out. I walk towards my room and lock myself up. I lay myself on bed and put the pillow on my face and scream as loud as I can.


I really regret that I've done that. You're pathetic, insincere, unbothered, and a fucking pervert, Lisa. I hate you! I scream out of my lungs, and I don't care if there's someone or Lisa who heard that. I just wanted to release this, or else. I'm going to be insane.


I woke up in the middle of the night, my eyes snap open while I'm covered in a cold sweat, I'm trembling and my heart is pounding right now while looking around the room... suspicious and paranoid. I walk towards the bathroom, I'm stumble while looking at the mirror.

I rub my eyes and head and tries to fully awaken.

"I had a nightmare again." I said to myself, I'm trying to find my medicine in the room; it's been a month since I've experienced that, and it's been a week since the last time that I drank my medicine.

There are a lot of things that bother me right now, but that shivering nightmare kept fascinating me every night. I open the faucet and wash my face to keep myself calm, I could feel that my hands and body are trembling as I walk towards my bed.

I decided to sleep here since Jennie doesn't want me to sleep in our bed.

I'm trying to fall asleep, but unfortunately not. I lean myself against the headboard while staring at the wall in front of me. I clench my fist when I remember something.


I'm walking down the street, heading to our home. I rush myself back to our house because there is someone waiting for me there. These past few days, she has become a different person. She didn't even want to talk to anyone. She just wants to lock herself up in our room. I can't help but be worried about her. I even ask about the problem, but every time I ask her, she's just crying and trembling as if someone is trying to scare her.

I wanted to help her as much as I could, but she didn't let me do that. She's staring into nothing, crying all day and night. When we saw her in front of our yard, she was naked, and there were a lot of bruises on her body. We ask her what happened, but she's trembling and begging not to tell anyone what happened to her.

The Secret of Min-Jun's wife | JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now