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Just as she thought, Claire's outfit choices for the three of them were beyond her comfort zone. She didn't own any "party" clothes. Most of her wardrobe consisted of jeans, cutoff jean shorts, and T-shirts. Although she had two cocktail dresses that her mother had purchased for her to wear to hoity-toity parties that her business friends threw. Tiffany swore she would NEVER wear them again, but she didn't get rid of them just in case her mother demanded her presence at one of the ridiculous functions again.

Her shoe collection was another story. She had everything from sneakers to the highest of heels. Her version of sexy and going out attire was skin tight jeans with a super snug tank top that showed a smidge of cleavage topped off with stilettos. How she ever learned to walk in them was beyond her mind, but she loved the way they made her legs appear longer on her petite 5'3" frame.

At Claire's demand to change into the outfit picked for her, Tiffany mumbled several expletives as she went into their tiny bathroom to squeeze into a tight leather mini skirt with studded accents and a matching leather bustier that laced up on each side instead of in the back. "Where and when the fuck did y'all buy this shit? I've never seen either of you wear it" she yelled while struggling to keep shimmying into the top, get it tied up secure, while trying to keep her breasts from completely spilling out. There was no reply, just sneaky giggles from the two on the opposite side of the door. The three of them were lucky to all wear the same size so they could share outfits, even though Claire and Courtney were taller then her. "Just open the damn door!"Courtney hollered. Tiffany ignored her, just gazing at herself in the mirror, slightly taken back as to how different she looked all sexed up with the hair and makeup. Now with the outfit to top it off. She turned to the side to check each angle making sure everything was tucked in and in place. "I kinda look like a video vixen about to do some dirty deeds with a rock star!" She grumbled as she opened the door to see them shrieking and giggling like they were plotting and scheming up some form of debauchery. Each of them tapping the fingertips on each hand together like evil witches brewing up some concoction.

"Oh God Tiffany, you look better than a video vixen! You're a blonde bombshell clad in leather, looking like a woman that any rock star would love to have on his arm all day and night! I would almost take you to bed myself right now!" Claire slithered toward her like a serpent about to strike. Then pounced like she was about to bite her neck as they all began to squeal and chase each other around the tiny dorm room, jumping over beds and knocking stuff off the bedside tables.

"STOP, STOP, STOP!!! For real, you're gonna mess up her hair!" Courtney barked as she grabbed Claire. Tiffany began to look for shoes to accent the ensemble that left nothing much to the imagination and found her black sky high stilettos with studded heels. She didn't notice that the room had gone quiet and the two schemers were just staring at her smiling like the devil himself. "The fuck are y'all staring at? Y'all are the ones who dressed me like this?! What are y'all up to?!" Tiffany almost whispered.

"Wellllll, we may have been keeping a teensy weensy secret from youuuu," Courtney sang like a small child playing a game. Claire was all but about to lose her shit with excitement and blurted out, "We bought the outfit for you! It's not our clothes! Since you won't be here for your birthday in August, we wanted to do something special for you before you left for the summer!"

Even though she was grinning ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat, she was starting to get really nervous,"Oh shit! What have you sneaky turds gone and done? Where are y'all taking me? I really hope y'all aren't thinking I'm gonna go to one of those male stripper review things, 'cause I will change out of this getup so quick, it will make both your heads spin!" Tiffany got no answer, but the two schemers had such shit-eating grins and were holding hands dancing in a little circle letting the anticipation build.

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