Twenty Six

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James was pacing through the suite, trying to comprehend the last few days and his feelings. He knew he was in love with her and wanted more than anything to tell her, but was afraid she didn't feel the same, or even worse what if she outright rejected him and left. He needed a voice of reason, but Gio wasn't an option as he had already voiced his opinion, which was based solely on who she was related to. Knowing Lars was always there to listen, he picked up his cell, taking a few nervous breaths while waiting for him to answer. "Hetfield! What's going on? You still in Knoxville?," he asked with excitement in his voice. The two of them could fuss and bicker like hell over music, but they had always been close friends. "Hey fuckwad, yeah I'm still here, I'm staying for that car show this coming Saturday. I know it's early there, but I was wondering if you could talk for a few.," James replied, waiting for some of his smart ass jabs. "Yeah man, you okay?," Lars asked but continued on before James could respond, "oh yeaaaah, I're little blonde'd that go for you?" James snickered at the question before he could answer, his little Danish friend always had a good sense of intuition about him.

"Yeah man, it's about her, Tiffany. I like her a lot, hell, I more than like her.," James was almost stammering his words just at the thought, "She's still here...I asked her to spend the week with me...and you're gonna think I'm insane, but I'm falling in love with her." There was silence for a few moments and James could almost hear the gears in his friend's head moving as he processed the latter part of his statement. Lars being himself, blurted out the first thing that came to his mind, "Fuck man! Is the pussy that fucking good?!" James rolled his eyes and huffed, "Look, it ain't just about that. I didn't even fuck her the first night she was here okay! There's so much more to her than just a gorgeous face and amazing body. She's so funny and smart, kind, sweet, thoughtful, hell I could go on and on. She's fucking perfect Lars! You remember how crazy I was about Francesca when I met her?... Yeah well multiply that times ten man, that's how I feel about Tiffany." They continued discussing the matter for a while, with James telling him a little more about her, and asking if it was possible to fall so hard in love with someone that quickly. Even though Lars wanted to be a smart ass and make more perverted comments about tiffs body, he knew his friend needed a level headed answer to his curiosity. "James your marriage has unfortunately went to shit, but it's given you two beautiful children. I know you love Fran as a person and as the mother of your children and you wouldn't want anything bad for her. You do have to give her a fuck ton of credit man, she stuck by your side and helped you through some pretty deep shit, even though you fucked around on her so much. Finding a woman that loves you like that is almost impossible, so that's something for you to think about. But even with that said, it doesn't mean you're in love with her and still have that spark. That's something that we all as humans crave. I do believe it's possible to fall madly in love with someone this quick. Sometimes two people are drawn together with such force that it's impossible for feelings not to form. Whether those feelings are love or lust, only you can determine that." Silence fell over them again as James thought for a few moments, "thanks man, I appreciate the talk, I'm gonna hop off here and call to check on the kids. Oh and please keep this between the two of us!"
"Of course, this conversation stays between us. But I do have one more thing to say about it before you go," lars sounded serious. "I'm all ears man," James replied waiting for another tidbit of advice. "I bet it is some sweet tight pussy, isn't it?!," Lars blurted out following with hysterical laughter. James wasn't amused, "Fucking dick," he mumbled before hanging up.

Having already picked up her prescription and a few bags of junk food and snacks while there, she was now pulling back into the hotel parking lot. Tiff was able park in the same spot and gathered up the bags to head back up to James. As the elevator climbed to the top of the building, her heart and stomach were both a fluttering mess at just the thought of his perfect smile that she knew he would flash when she walked backed through the door. With the look of pure happiness, she pulled the key card from her back pocket and unlocked the door. She could hear his usual low and sometimes gravelly voice was now sounding so sweet and gentle, and tiff knew he was on the phone with the kids as she walked into the living area. He looked up and just as she thought, he flashed her a smile, causing that wild whipping wind to come crashing back upon her body. Tiffany sat her purse and bags down on the dining room table, and was digging through all the snacks to find the prescription. Meanwhile, James had said his goodbyes to the children and was soon at her side. "Hey baby," he said low and sweet as he kissed her cheek while wrapping his arm around her waist, "Mmm you smell so good," now nuzzling into her neck. She reached over to pull his face to hers, "James, your scent intoxicates me and I intend to get fully drunk on it in just a few minutes. Remember Mr. H, you still have those teasing promises from earlier to fulfill," she purred upon his lips before sliding her tongue in to dance with his for a brief second.

Her hands had found the script bag and she disconnected from the kiss, walking to the bathroom. "Where you going," he asked while padding across the room right behind her. "I have to take this before I forget it," she said in a silly voice as she waved the package for him to see. James stood in the doorway with his curiosity peaked, but kept quiet as she opened the package and laid out an alcohol swab and bandaid. Tiff unzipped her jeans and pulled them down on one side to bare the top of her buttocks, prepping the skin and then injecting herself with the medication. "Damn you didn't even flinch! So that's it, that one shot does the job for three months? Is it just as effective as the pill?," he asked as she put the bandaid over the tiny speck. She snickered a little at his genuine curiosity, "Yes, it lasts for three months and it works just as good if not better cause there's no pill to forget to take." James felt reassured by the facts she shared and pulled her against him with her face resting on his chest. Tiff took a deep breath, inhaling his delicious cologne, "James are you ready to make good on your words from earlier?," she let out in almost a breathy moan. "Baby I'll do whatever you want me to," with his fingers under her chin, he gently lifted her face up to place delicate kisses on her jaw then down below her ear. She was already covered in goosebumps from his touch and needed more as her hands immediately went to the sides of his shirt pulling it up and over his head. Tiff ran her hands from his soft and light chest hair down his stomach to clench the top of his jeans in desperate need as he was now tending to her neck with firm wet suckling kisses. With the worst timing, his cell was ringing in the other room, "Sorry baby, I bet that's Kirk, I've been waiting on his call but it won't take long. Be right back!," he promised as he jogged to answer the phone.

Tiffany understood but sighed in frustration once she knew he couldn't hear her. She took a seat in the leather upholstered chair in the corner of the bedroom with her own wicked wheels turning. She remembered his prior comment about wanting to see her in nothing but her boots accompanied with some lingerie. She jumped up, stripped out of her clothes and hurriedly searched for the silk and mesh snakeskin set that matched her boots fairly well. Once she found the bra and panties she jerked them on as quickly as possible and stomped her feet back into her boots. Rushing to the bathroom to make sure everything was in place, she tousled her hair a bit and took a quick swish of mouthwash. She looked at herself one more time, observing how little the delicate fabric actually covered. It was mainly black mesh with tiny snakeskin printed silk triangles to cover the nipples, with the bottoms being a skimpy bikini style made of the same mesh and matching tiny triangle right at her mound. She made her way toward the bedroom doors to hear he was still on the phone talking about a new album they had just recorded.

James was sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, turning his head to have his eyes lock on her body. Fuck me...she remembered what I said about her and those boots. He grew a sinful smile across his face as he motioned two fingers and mouthed "come here." Tiff silently made her way to stop in front of him, while he remained talking business with the Kirk. She straddled his long legs and began to lower herself onto the coffee table directly in front of him as he pulled his feet down to give her room. Once fully seated and her eyes locked to his, she spread her legs open wide before softly running her hands from her breasts and down her stomach to stop at the junction of her thighs. "Holyyyy shit," he involuntarily muttered into the phone. "Uh huh, yeah Kirk, everything's good," James tried to hide his excitement from the conversation. Tiff smirked at his reaction to her teasing and decided to push his buttons a tad more.

Pushing up from the table, she leaned forward to run her tongue up his stomach and across one of his nipples before taking it in between her teeth giving it a gentle pull. He gritted his teeth as a tiny moan escaped his throat. "No man, nothing's wrong...yeah...I can't wait to hear it, I know I'm gonna be pleased and hope the fans are too.," he managed to get out trying to keep his conversation going, but was starting to slip in reaction to her. Tiff knew it was probably an important call and decided she should wait. She started to stand and walk away, but James grabbed her hand pulling her back and mouthed, "Please don't stop!" Tiffany looked at him with pure desire as she went to rest on her knees in between his long legs. With a wicked smirk, she undid his pants and reached in, taking his hard fat cock into her hand, gently freeing him from his shorts. She pumped him a few times while licking her lips as she saw his precum begin to run down the side. Unable to refrain, she leaned forward extending her tongue to lick the salty fluid as she moaned at the taste. "J..Jesus C..Christ," James stammered out. Tiff reached one hand to squeeze her breast in need as she took the head into her mouth, giving it a sloppy suck before taking him all the way in. James's eyes rolled back into his head as he let out a growly moan, "Fuuuck...Kirk I gotta go...I'll talk to you later!"

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