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His hand was so close, she was aching for him to reach and pull her to him. She didn't have the courage to make the first move. Breaking away from her own need, Tiffany leaned down to gather the outfit and boots she had thrown while being scared almost out of her skin. She'd made sure to tuck the back of the robe toward the bend of her knees, keeping her underside from view. "Where ya going?," he asked as she walked toward the door. She knelt again in front of the huge bags, "Looking for something clean to wear!" She kept looking, but he leaned over the back of the couch to stop her, "You're not gonna find any Metallica panties in there." She rolled her eyes and turned to face him. "Not a raindrop's chance in hell I'm sitting in the company of a man in nothing but a robe!" James stood as he gave her a playful laugh, "I already knew that," and lifted a throw pillow to pull out one of his shirts and boxer briefs to offer to her. Tiff couldn't wipe the smile from her face as she made her way back to him. "That was very thoughtful and sweet of you, thank you," she almost whispered as he handed them to her. She took them and headed to change, "But you're a sneaky little shit! And I like it," saying over her shoulder loud enough for him to hear. She shed the robe and hung it back on it's hook, then jerked his clothes on. There she was, in his Harley Davidson t-shirt and Calvin Kleins. No bra but oh well. They don't sag and I think they are nice. "Hey I found a us a movie! You like 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly'?" He yelled out not noticing she was already walking toward him. "You ain't gotta yell, I'm right here. And yes, anything with Clint Eastwood is a good choice." He looked up, liked what he heard and what he saw. Flashing a toothy smile from ear to ear. Damn, she looks good...fine as fuck. MmmMmm! shirt is big on her, but laying just right on those tits...God I wish she'd ask me to touch her!

"Hey, James, wanna scootch those long legs over a smidge so I can sit?," snapping her fingers to get his attention. She knew what he was staring at, and it turned her on to know he liked what he saw. "Oh, yeah I'm sorry," he answered as he slid his legs down off the cushion to prop them on the table in front of him. She took a seat next to him, but avoided contact. "Did you have this hidden under there since before I came out of the bathroom the first time?," she curiously inquired. "Yep, sure did. You're shy, I knew that robe alone wasn't gonna be an option for you, so I grabbed those out of my bag hoping it would make you more comfortable. They're clean. I promise." Without hesitation, she scooted all the way beside him with her legs propped up right alongside his. Feeling her against his side, he draped his arm around her shoulders and hit 'play'.

As the movie started, they gave each other a quick glance, then their eyes went back to the screen. James' hand came to rest on the outside of her arm. The feel of his fingertips was burning into her. She hadn't kissed him in hours and the need was almost painful. They had both fought off the urge thus far while back in his suite. She was almost out of fight now. Tiff had to to touch him, and placed her hand on top of his thigh. He was still in his jeans so she couldn't feel the direct warmth of his skin. She tried to fight harder, but she was losing the battle. He gave the side of her arm a welcoming squeeze, so close to pulling her to straddle him once more. He was moments away from going back on his word, when Tiffany turned her head into his shoulder to rest her cheek on his chest. She nuzzled the side of her face against his warmth as her hand squeezed his thigh. James let his face fall down into the top of her damp hair to mumble, "You're making it really hard for me to keep my word. If you keep touching me, I'm not gonna be able to." Both of their breathing had increased. Fuck it, I want him. She thought a few moments before titling her head up to meet his face before whispering, "James, can we forget you ever said that?...I want...I need to kiss you..and touch..." James didn't let her finish as his mouth took to hers. It wasn't soft and sweet, but full of burning desire. Never breaking from the feel of her tongue dancing with his, the left arm that was around her shoulders moved to her waist, lifting her over to rest across his lap. There was not an inch of distance between them this time. Her hands were in his hair as she moved her mouth to his neck. She wasn't gentle either, as she was sucking fresh marks onto the sensitive flesh as she savored the taste of his soft skin. With each kiss and suckle, James was loving how her tongue felt, letting out throaty groans. His hands were now under her shirt. One on her back and the other firmly at her side. He moved to kiss her neck, and his hand at her side crept to her tummy, making its way upward towards her breasts, but stopped right under them. She was aching for his touch there with her nipples hardened. She pulled back, breaking each of their mouths away from the work they were doing. Sitting back a little, she grabbed his hand over the shirt and brought it up to cup her breast. She moaned in pleasure, trying not to grind herself into him. James needing more, brought his other hand around to join in on her plump flesh. He messaged and squeezed before focusing on her nipples. Rolling and squeezing the small hard buds between his fingertips. She whimpered in pleasure, her hands were now at his shoulders, almost needing to hold herself up afraid she was going to go limp under his touch. " feels so good," she murmured. All she got back from him was a growl and his hands left her body to grip the sides of her shirt to pull it up. She nodded with need. He crept the shirt up, knowing he was about to see her bare chest for the first time. She lifted her arms, "please James, I want your hands back on me." He wasted no time and pulled it over her head, taking in the site of the most perfect set of all natural tits he'd ever seen. His mouth went directly to one and zealously sucked while kneading the other. Holy fuck! He thought, wanting more and more. "Put your arms around my neck and hold on," he ordered, and placed his arms under her bottom to lift as he stood. She didn't object as she had now returned her mouth to exploring all of his. He walked toward the bedroom stopping just before the doors.

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