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James stepped into shower to clear his head. The ice cold water helped his urge but didn't clear her from his mind. He stood in there as long as he could tolerate it, washed up, got out and dressed. Making sure to put the cash and earring in his pocket for her before going to the couch to relax a bit. James looked at the clock, and to his disappointment it was only 12:30. Trying to find something to occupy the time, he picked up his acoustic and started picking around. It wasn't long before there was a knock on his door. He thought that was awfully quick for her outfit to already be finished, and went to the door. It was Gio. "Hey man, I need to talk to you about something important, you got a few?" James could sense something was bothering him, and motioned him to come in. They each took a seat before James asked,  "You alright? What's going on?" The big guy took a deep breath, "Well ever since we were on the way back here earlier, my wheels have been turning. You said her last name was O'Malley." James rolled his eyes, "Gio let it go, it's her last name, what does it matter?" The big guy continued, "Thought the name sounded familiar so I've been racking my brain trying to figure it out. Do you remember that night on the last tour, y'all had just finished the show in Houston and wanted to go to the strip club?" James smiled, "Fuck yeah, that was a good night! We even got you shitfaced! And your drunk ass felt up that stripper's huge tits! God I thought that bouncer was gonna beat your ass when he grabbed you up like that! Scared the shit out of us, but the look on your face was priceless! I thought you were gonna shit your pants! Man you've worked for me for years now and I've never seen you scared of anything! It was weird cause that big fucker didn't even yell or threaten to beat your ass. We couldn't hear what he said to you but it worked. You didn't touch another stripper that night...while they were up there dancing anyways!" James was belly laughing as he recalled the wildness from that night. "What did that guy say to you when he had you held up against that wall about to shit yourself anyways?," he was curious now.

"I might've been drunk as fuck, but the look on his face and his grip on my neck sobered me up quick. I will never forget what he said! I was truly scared and thought I was about to get my ass handed to me. He looked me dead in the eyes and said, 'Sir, it's frowned upon to act like a wild animal in here and I don't allow it. I advise you to start behaving and get some manners about yourself. I do not allow patrons to grope the women that work here. It especially upsets me when a dumbass drunk like you thinks they can get away with it. Now if you decide to come back, come back sober, and maybe I can point you in the direction of a woman that would allow you to do so. Until then, please have a seat and enjoy yourself. If I see you act like that again, I will have you escorted out of my establishment. Do you understand me fucker?!' That was a perfect example of how sometimes a calm yet stern voice can frighten the fuck out of someone. That's the only man on this earth I wouldn't ever want to come to blows with." James chuckled at the thought of Gio being intimidated by anything or anyone. Then questioned, "What the hell does that night have to do with Tiffany? She's not from Houston." Taking another deep breath Gio answered his question with another, "Do you remember the name of the place man? Think real hard." James thought for a few long moments before the bell rang in his head, "Yeah, yeah I do! It was O'Malley's Gentlemen's Club! Damn that place had some fine ass strippers! If we're ever back in Houston, we definitely gotta go back! But still what's it got to do with Tiffa..?" James stopped himself, realizing where this was headed. "Damnit man, yeah that's her last name but so what? I'm sure there's a lot of O'Malleys. There's tons of folks I don't know and I'm not related to that have the same fucking name I do," James blurted at him. "Well anyways I went back to the club the late next day to apologize to the woman and the man I thought was gonna kill me. As I about to walk in, I saw the man I was looking for about to walk in a side door and I yelled to get his attention and walked his way. I introduced myself and apologized for being a drunk asshole. He shrugged it off and told me not to worry about it but not to let it happen again. I asked if the woman I groped was there and he took me to her. I gave my apologies and was about to leave and the man came up and gave me his business card. He said he knew who I worked for and that all of us were welcome at his establishments anytime and to call him ahead of time and he would see that Metallica and it's crew were taken care of. He's not the bouncer, he owns the place."

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