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Gio was standing at the door, trying to keep his facial expressions professional, thankful to see them exit on time. He was ready to escort James and his guest down the corridor, through the twist and turns, and up the stairs, and got straight to business, "Alright Het, you ready?" James showed a shit-eating grin and nodded, "Yep, but before we head that way, I need to go over a few last minute changes for tonight," he paused to look down to Tiffany and squeezed her hand before he continued. "I need you to find the roadie that was handling our dinner selections and instruct him to double my whole order. Also, I have given Tiffany a wrist band for the pit and the pass to get back down here. After you drop me at the stage, I want her escorted down to the front of the pit, directly in front of where I'll be on stage. Stay with her for the duration of the show. When it comes time for my break during the other guys solos, I would like you to bring her to me at the back side of the stage until I have to go back out. When the show is over, as you're bringing me back down to clean up for the meet and greet, have Kevin stay with her and her friends. I'm sure Lars already put them in the pit and appointed him as their detail. While I'm getting ready, go round up a T-shirt of every style for her and leave them on the table in the dressing room. If there's anything else she wants or needs, make sure she gets it. No questions asked." Gio gave his nod, "Yes sir, I will handle everything and see that she's taken care of." James let out a deep breath and said, "Alright! I think everything is set, let's head up."

Tiffany was baffled at everything he asked to be done, and the fact that the bodyguard accepted every task. No questions or objections. She went back to the comment about Lars already having Claire and Courtney in a designated area with a security detail. "Was this all part of James' doing? Were my friends okay with it? Hell, they bought these tickets and my outfit so we could celebrate by birthday early. Fuck I hope they aren't pissed that I ditched them to go meet 'Hotfield'. Is this something they do at every show? Each picking a girl they want and everyone plays the game? All of it being part of an elaborate master plan?", she questioned herself but shoved it to the back of her mind hoping that wasn't the case. She was unsuccessful in slowing her thoughts, but at the same time trying to hide her anxiety. Gio was leading them down the halls with speed. Everyone along the path was staring at them and smirking. She figured each one they knew what they had been doing back on that couch. Embarrassed again, she tried not to make eye contact with anyone and kept her sights straight ahead. Both Gio and James had long legs, so her short ones were having to work double time and her thoughts were at the same speed. Stunned at the events. Meeting James Hetfield at his request, sat and talked with him, and then to have made out with him and almost have what she knew had to be an orgasm. Tiff knew Claire and Courtney were going to heckle and definitely embarrass the fuck out of her. But she didn't care. It was well worth it, but she damn sure wasn't going to tell them exactly what happened. 

They came to a stop at two doors. James looked down to her, "Hey, do you need to use the restroom before it starts?", he asked, knowing the state he had left her underparts in just minutes ago. Feeling all the beers she had drank were making her bladder increasingly heavier, she gladly accepted. They each entered into separate restrooms to handle their business. Tiffany about to burst, jerked her skirt up and took her panties in the opposite direction to let out what felt like was gallons of pee. As she looked down, she saw the fabric of her undergarment was completely drenched."What the fuck? They are soaked and I'm a sloppy mess," she whispered to herself as she cleaned up her fluids and made an effort to blot her panties somewhat dry. Knowing they were in a rush, she hurried to finish, quickly washed her hands, and was back out the door. James wasted no time putting her hand back in his, "We are ready," he told Gio and they were off again. Rounding another corner and up a flight of stairs, they finally made it to the back of the stage. There were towers of equipment cases, speakers, wires and cables going all different directions, and several workers running around doing various tasks. Tiffany was quite overwhelmed at how much went in to orchestrate this production as she took in all the hustle and bustle. James still had a tight grip on her hand, and looked down to flash her a smile. As she looked back up at him to reciprocate the gesture, Tiff took in his presence and large stature. He was fucking perfect. His face, his build, the hair, his arms and stomach, those long legs, his hands...good God, those hands...the way his skin felt against hers...his scent that she couldn't get enough of, but the smile was the kicker. It was melting her down to just a pool of liquid. "I don't want to let go of your hand," James leaned to whisper into her ear, "I'm scared you'll change your mind and not come back to me after the show." She smiled and took both of his hands in hers, stood on her tippy toes while pulling him down so she could whisper back to him, "I swear, I will be here when you're done." As he felt her breath move across his ear, he inhaled deep, loving how it felt like a light breeze floating across his skin. He let go of her hands to put his arms around her to pull her close, leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss before whispering, "I'll see you from the stage, I gotta go now." He ran his fingertips along her cheek before he turned to walk away. She didn't notice it during their goodbyes, but the rest of the band and all of the crew were staring, she was sure the whole encounter was observed. She knew she was blushing. Everyone just waved at her and smiled. A few were giggling. Wanting to avoid all of the gazes, she gave a quick wave and smile, abruptly turned around and in relief saw Gio waiting for her.

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