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She was looking at him, baffled at everything he was saying. He could have any woman he desired, and she knew he had been with countless groupies and fans across the globe. She didn't know why she was different than any other woman to him. He was waiting for her to reply but when she didn't, he had to be bold and just say it. "I want you Tiffany, not just tonight, not just tomorrow, not just next week, and not just for sex. Yes I want to fuck you so bad it's driving me fucking insane! I like you so fucking much that I can't even begin to explain, and I want more. I can't spell it out any clearer! Do you understand? It's like I'm in fucking trance or something by you and your magic spell and I love it! Goddamnit!! I want you to be mine all the time!!" He was saying things to her that he never imagined he would say to anyone, much less someone he had known for less that 12 hours. He didn't know it was possible for someone to be that engulfed with a person and how strongly they feel about them. "Please tell me you understand now," he pleaded as his emotion was building behind his eyes. She nodded yes as she was still in shock from his words. "How do you make me feel so fucking good and happy? It's like I don't have a care in the world just sitting here with you." She didn't know how to answer his question, but she felt the same way. All she knew to do is place a sweet kiss on his cheek and then one lightly across his lips. He wrapped his long arms around her to pull her next to him, and leaned back into the mattress. Their heads resting on the pillows. He cradled her at his side with her head upon his chest. With both of his arms around her, he spoke, but barely above a whisper, "It feels so here with me, your body laying next to mine. So calm and peaceful. Nobody expecting anything from me or telling me to do this or that. James closed his eyes, reveling in the feel of Tiffany next to him, just listening to him as he spoke. Her fingers were caressing his chest and twirling his little hairs between her fingers. She was just as relaxed and content in the moment as James was.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! Oh God! Fuck me! Aghhh! Fuck me in the fucking mouth! I'm so fucked!!" James heard Tiffany's voice whispering and let out a growl and smiled. "Uh huh baby, yes you are, I'm about to fuck you and your pretty mouth with this big dick!," he grumbled out reaching for her to find an empty space, he opened his eyes to see her rushing around the room frantically. The sun was shining in through the crack of the closed curtains. He got up, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he saw her naked body darting here and there. "What's wrong! You don't have to leave! I want you here with me! Please baby, come back to bed and I'll order us some breakfast!," he pleaded, walking toward her. "James, I'm so sorry! I was trying to get out of here without waking you! I'd love nothing more than to crawl back into bed with you! Hell, I'm having a hard time resisting just standing here staring at your naked body! But you don't understand! My last final for the semester is in two hours! I can't miss it!" He wrapped his arms around her, loving how her bare flesh felt against his and started nuzzling into her neck. "I'm sure they will let you make it up, please don't leave me!" he begged. "Ughhh! James I don't want to leave you, but you don't understand! This is not something I can miss for any reason! No rain checks, redos, makeups, nada!! I have to be there and not one minute late!!!", she rambled. He now understood the severity of the matter.

"Okay, alright, let me throw some clothes on and find you something to wear. While you're getting dressed, I'll call Gio and have him meet us at the elevators in 15 minutes and we will get you back in time," James was stating the plan and he went for clothes,"You can leave all your things here for now and I'll bring it to you when you're finished up this afternoon." Tiffany still standing there completely nude, shook her head to show her agreement of the plan, darted to use the bathroom, brush her teeth, and dowse her face in cold water a few times. She hurried back out to find James dressed and on the phone explaining then plan. Hanging up the phone, he gave her a clean shirt, boxers, socks, and a long sleeved button down shirt. While she was throwing the clothes on, he went to do the same quick bathroom rundown. She had one boot on and reached into the other one to get the key she had in the little hidden pocket on the inside of the lining before stomping it on, sticking her door key into the pocket of the shirt. James was headed for the door and grabbed his wallet off of the table to shove in his back pocket. She rushed to the door just as he opened it and they were out. Gio was already waiting at the elevator ready to go. They went back down and out the same way they came in, only this time was a lot faster. The van was pulled around waiting for the three of them to get in and go.

They were pulling out onto the streets within seconds. "Okay, where are we headed?," Gio asked the lady passenger. "UTK, South Carrick Hall, 1023 Frances Street. Please and thank you kindly. It's only about 10 or 15 minutes from here as long as the traffic isn't bad." Tiff was full of nerves and praying all the shitty drivers weren't out yet. "I know where the main campus is, but you'll have to direct me from there," Gio replied giving her a quick glance in the rear view. Tiff nodded her head 'okay'. She was shaking the dangling foot of her crossed legs up and down, a nervous wreck afraid she wasn't going to make it in time. If I miss this, I am fucked. Double fucked. "I don't know what all the wiggling is about, but I'm afraid to look back there!" James started laughing at what Gio thought might have been taking place, "No, no, it's just Tiffany's foot! She's shaking the hell out of it cause she's scared she isn't going to make it on time." They were making decent time as they made the turn into campus. Tiff was directing him to each additional turn. She could see her stop just ahead. "Okay see the big tall building up there on the right? That's me," telling him where to go. Gio was eyeing around to see if there was an inconspicuous place to pull over, but there wasn't a good option. With no other choice, he whipped the van in parallel across from the tall dormitory. "What time is it?," she asked. James turned to look to the clock, "It's 10:32. See, I told you it would be okay, we got you here with time to spare." Tiff let out a huge sigh of relief, "Thank God!"

Just then James spotted something he liked parked across the road. "Hot damn! That's a sweet cherry of a ride! Gio feast your eyes on that!," James said pointing to an all black '78 K5 Blazer. "It's lifted just right, looks like maybe some 36" TSL's, slick ass paint job, blacked out windows, and if what's under the hood matches the sexiness of the outside, I bet she rumbles loud as fuck! I'd love to hear her crank up and talk to me!" The big man in the drivers seat agreed, "Shit, that sure is done up right! I bet the guy that owns it spent a shit ton of time and money to get her all dolled up like that!" James realized he was wasting precious time with his prized lady, "Fuck, I'm sorry Tiffany, I got a little carried away looking at that blazer over there. You ever heard it run?" She laughed a little at his fascination and their typical 'man talk' about an old vehicle, "Yeah, I've heard it a few times. It's pretty loud." James nodded his head in appreciation for a vehicle looking that good before turning his attention back to her.

Wanting to savor each second he could before she was gone, he looked in the review mirror asking, "Gio do you mind giving us a few minutes to ourselves before she has to go?" No response was needed, he opened up the door to exit and gave them some privacy. Not wanting them to think he was listening to their last moments together, he decided to walk over to the old truck he and James had been admiring for a closer look. "Thank you for spending your time with me, I've enjoyed every last second being with you. I know you've got to go take that test and pack your things afterwards, but will you do me a favor?," James asked as he reached to hold her hand. "Depends on what it is," she replied in her sassy little tone making made him chuckle, "Will you let me take you out for dinner when you're finished up?" He anxiously for her response. "You want to take me to dinner? I figured you'd be heading out of town to the next stop any time now." He shook his head, "No we have a week and a half off until our next show. I'm staying in town for a car show next Saturday. Please say yes." Tiff was surprised at his question and the fact that he would be in town for another week. She was sure he wouldn't show up to this supposed dinner request. He's a famous rock god, and she knew he'd have tons of other obligations, things he wanted to do, or people to visit while in the area. "Yes, I'll go to dinner with you," she grinned as she gave him the answer he wanted. Even though she wasn't getting her hopes up. She liked him a lot and had such a good time with him. Not to mention all the 'funny business' they did with each other, that was real nice. She didn't want this to be the last she saw of him, but was making herself accept it...she was just another girl to occupy one of his nights. And that was that. They both had a good time, then a REALLY good time. She didn't regret it either. He made her feel special if only for one night. Tiff leaned to look at the clock, "Oh shit! It's 10:45! I have forty five minutes to get my ass in here, change clothes, get my bag, and head across campus. Hopefully Claire and Courtney didn't decide to turn our room into a real life version of 'Animal House' when they got back last night. Ugh there's no telling what my eyes are going to discover when I walk through the door," she was babbling on and wringing her hands.

God I don't want to leave him...I've never felt this way...just when I find a man I like, it's one I can't have...that sure was the best night of my life though, and I'll cherish the memory of it...he's saying he wants to take me to dinner, but I know it's just to make me feel better...he's gonna shag ass outta here and never look I have to tell him goodbye knowing I'll never lay eyes on his face again...this is what I get for acting that way...doing everything but 'the deed'...thinking I actually have a chance with this man...don't you dare cry you sappy that bandaid off and be done with it...

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