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The grip he had on his self control was hanging by a mere thread. James leaned in closer, his hand moving back to her knee. She glanced down to his warm long fingers as they lay upon her skin. Her blue eyes went back to his, and she was almost to the point of melting and begging him to do with her whatever he pleased. As he slowly inched his face closer to hers, she could better smell his cologne. It was invading her nose, making her borderline feral. She could feel his warm breath on her face. He licked his lips and asked so softly, almost a whisper, "Tiffany, can I kiss you?" She couldn't speak, just nodded yes. He brought his fingertips to her chin to slowly fall down her neck, then smoothed his hand around to the back at the base, inching a little ways into her hairline to pull her the rest of the way to his mouth. His kiss was slightly open. She could feel his tongue barely slide along her bottom lip and she melted into him, opening her mouth to welcome him in as she felt goosebumps form on every inch of her skin. His tongue leisurely slithered across hers in the most delicious of ways, making her whole body ache for more. He slowly pulled away and went to her neck, but didn't kiss it. He delicately ran his tongue from her collarbone up her neck to just below her ear, letting the hand that was at the base of her neck travel up into her hair, running his fingers through it at her scalp. His other hand on her hip, trying desperately not to venture to her breasts or to her sex too quickly for her comfort. As he breathed in the scent of her skin and hair, it made him moan into her neck with primal desire and he lightly grazed his teeth onto her skin. She was trembling under his mouth, trying to refrain from pleading for more.

He then started placing his open kisses all over her neck, but kept his licking and suckling gentle, causing her to quiver at his every touch even more. He knew if he let himself kiss her rough and heavy like he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to stop himself. She realized he felt her body shaking in response to his hand and mouth. To her surprise, she wasn't shy or embarrassed, she couldn't contain herself any longer, and threw all caution to the wind. She had never felt like this, much less ever thought of acting this way, but she couldn't help it. The urge was too powerful. She broke away from the magic he was working on her neck to move to straddle him. She needed more of his body touching hers.

Still up on her knees hovering over him, she looked down and could see how his big bulge was being jailed by his jeans. She went to sit upon his welcoming lap with a knee on each side of his hips, but the snug hold of the leather skirt wasn't budging to allow it. Without hesitation, while her eyes burned into his, she took his hands and placed them on the outside of each of her thighs.  Keeping her hands on top of his, she began to guide them to push the bottom of her skirt up to her waist so she could rest herself on him. James looked down and saw the black silk with lace trim that covered her mound, and a deep animalistic noise came from his throat. "Fuuuuck, baby, I didn't think you could be any sexier, but I was wrong!", James grunted as he pulled her down to rest on his thighs. He knew if he placed her atop of his dick, he wouldn't be able to refrain and take it too far too quick, so kept a few inches of distance at their parts that he desired to fuse together so badly. He leaned forward to her and began to cover her neck and the tops of her pushed up breasts with his slow kisses, now with a little more pressure, but not full raging wild beast just yet. She was emitting small whimpers and moans and he needed to feel it in his mouth, so he devoured her mouth without any delicacy. She was now grinding against him. It was almost more than he could bear. Afraid he was going to cum if he looked down again at her tiny delicate panties to think of what the wetness behind it would taste like, he moved his attention around to caress her ass. "A thong, of course it's a fucking thong, I'm gonna bust my load before I even get her naked!", he thought to himself.

The feel of him squeezing her ass cheeks, made her throb at her heat. She had to touch him more, and ran her hands under the bottom of his shirt to caress his lower stomach and then up his chest. The feel of his warm skin and light chest hair under her hands was making her overflow with lust. She had never felt such a strong desire. He was kissing her with so much passion and primal need, she thought she was gonna explode just from his mouth on hers and his hands on her body. He slowly ran his left hand up her top to where her cleavage was so wonderfully pushed together and managed to get it under the tight leather to caress and squeeze her left breast while keeping his other on her ass. She arched her back in pleasure and a small cry escaped her mouth. He then started to gently roll her hardened nipple between his fingers. Again, there was that warm and tense tightening and twitching in the lowest part of her belly leading into the junction of her sex and thighs. Tiffany moved her mouth to his neck, sucking and kissing. He growled and the vibration from his throat into her mouth pushed her even further. He brought his right hand from her ass to place it between their bodies, under where she rested with her legs spread over his thighs. There was just enough room between them for his hand to comfortably slip under to reach her parts he so desperately wanted to feel. He rested his hand just at her mound then inched down and began to touch her through the delicate fabric. She jumped a little at his movement...he noticed, pulling his hand away from the silky fabric. "You okay? You want me to stop?", he asked ever so sweetly in between kisses. "I..I'm okay, d..don't want you to s..stop," there was a long pause before she could get the next part to come out of her mouth, "I'm just kinda scared," hoping he would get what she meant without her having to come out and actually say it. He pulled away from her mouth and looked into her eyes, "Baby, there's nothing for you to be scared of. I'm not gonna hurt you. I want to make you feel good over and over again." She leaned back into his kiss, needing and wanting. Wishing she wasn't scared, trying to push it to the back of her mind, she used her tongue to caress his lips and mouth. Taking her kisses as a sign to continue, he then let his hand go back to what he was so desperate to do.

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