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He was out the door, back in the van, and over at the jeweler with speed. Please let this be as quick. He made his way in, and was promptly greeted by a middle aged man asking how he could help him. James pulled the earring out of his pocket, handed it over, explaining it needed a new backing. "Sure thing sir, if you can gimme a few minutes, I'll even clean it for you while you're here." James gave the nod and to pass the time, walked through glancing at the displays. The jeweler was back out fairly quick. "I got you ready. New backing and all shined up. This is a wonderful craftsmanship here, just beautiful. I don't get to see many of it's kind, but when I do, I have to appreciate the exquisite work." Not that he gave a shit about jewelry, but the jewelers comments had him curious. "I'm glad you like it, but it's just an earring." The man shook his head, "No sir, it's not just an earring, this is a handcrafted Cartier diamond earring. Please allow me to package it up for you. Something of this value needs a little safer spot than tucked into a pocket." James didn't care about fancy jewelry, but he knew all the top names of designers. "Help yourself sir and thank you." Once is was boxed up and handed to him, James asked about the charge. The jeweler smiled, "There's no charge sir, it was my pleasure just being able to appreciate this fine piece of work." James smiled and nodded to lay a $50 on the counter for a tip before leaving, "Thank you very much sir!," he said as he walked out. Back in the van, he opened the jewelry box to look at the sparkle and shine tucked inside. Fucking Cartier...maybe Gio is right...maybe it was a gift from a boyfriend...maybe it was inherited...but still either way...shit ain't cheap...I don't fucking care either way though...

James pulled onto campus concentrating on each turn making sure he found his way back to the right building. The last thing he wanted was to have to stop and ask how to get to there. He took the next turn to see the K5 he and Gio had raved about earlier and knew he was in the right spot. There was an open spot right across from it and he pulled in and put it in park. Hoping to see her exit soon, he kept his eyes alert. He saw a guy walk up to the Blazer and put a few things in the back. He couldn't resist, he rolled the window down halfway but kept his face mostly hidden with his hand and yelled "Nice ride, it's set up good!" The college boy turned to see who it was to reply, "It ain't mine, but it sure is bad ass! I'm just helping the hot chick it belongs to. Wish I could have the girl and the ride, but she shot me down!," the guy grabbed his chest like he'd just been impaled with a bullet and laughed. "Didn't want her to have to carry everything by herself. She should be down in just a second and you can tell her you like it." James didn't reply, just gave a nod and rolled the window back up. The college boy closed the back gate and was gone down the sidewalk. James looked at the clock to see it was now 2:55. He was getting antsy to see her again and was trying not to let his nerves get this best of him. "I told her I'd be here at 3:00, I'm sure she will come out then," James said out loud to himself.

He was flipping through radio stations to find some decent music, and noticed a few guys standing a little ways in front of the van staring across the road and whispering among themselves. Curious as to what the fuss was about he looked in the direction they were. Walking down the path from the building, headed right toward him in frayed cutoff short shorts, a Runaways tank top, and cowboy boots, was his coveted smoke show of a woman. She was pulling two very large rolling suitcases with a few overnight bags stuffed to the gills hooked over the tops each of them, and her oversized leather purse draped across her neck. James laughed at her ignorance to the guys watching her every move. He was about to get out and run to go help her, not knowing how far she had to go, even though he knew he would probably be recognized. Well here it goes...maybe no one will notice...

Thankfully, the college boys that had been eyeing her beat him to it. They darted across the road and down the path a ways to stop her and try to get the large bags, but she shewed them back shaking her head. They continued walking with her until they stopped at the big black Blazer. Well fuck's hers!! All James could do was chuckle at the surprise. Tiff was busy trying to get the guys to let her load up her stuff by herself, but no luck. She had already opened the back gate and climbed up inside to arrange the suitcases the boys handed to her. Once it was all in place, she hopped down to thank them and said goodbye. Taking one last look inside to make sure everything was in place, she shut the gate, to look across the street and see James smiling at her. He had rolled the window down enough to stick his head out. Just the sight of him so close to her made her breathing stop for a moment. The corners of her mouth were stretched as far as they could go and her cheeks were turning pink. He actually came back! Wanting to run up to the van and kiss him, she held her self back, not wanting to draw attention. She mouthed "Follow me!," as she walked to the drivers door of her truck. He nodded and watched her short body climb up inside and shut the door. She was immediately rolling the window down to hold up her cell and point to it. James nodded and held his up to show he could call her. She used her hands to show him the digits one by one for him to punch into his phone. Hers immediately rang. "Hey, whatcha waiting on? Crank that baby! I wanna hear her talk to me!," James begged, "and where we going?" She giggled a few before she could answer, "I gotta take these things over to storage. It's just a few minutes from here. I can pull my ride inside there to leave it and ride with you, of course if that's okay with you." He just smiled at her even though he couldn't see her for the blacked out window tint. "I'll do whatever you want baby!," he laughed out, "Now crank it up!" She wasted no time and turned the key.

It was music to his ears, perfectly rumbling as it idled. She tossed a little gas on his fire and revved it up a few times. "Whew! MmmMmm, I can't wait to look under the hood!," James said, knowing he meant it about the truck and it's driver. "Alright," she giggled, "Come on and I'll give you time to turn around and follow me. Just a couple miles up on the right. See ya there." Tiff made a kiss noise into the phone and hung up. She made her way out of the spot and waited on his u-turn to get behind her. She revved the motor a few times and made her way to the main road with him close behind. Sitting at the red light and knowing he would be appreciative of her next move, she turned her signal on and waited. The light turned green and she gassed it, the motor blasting power and squealing tires was music to James' ears. Her drifting sideways with the power and counter steering to get it back straight was enough to make his dick twitch. Girl can fucking drive too...damn!

He stayed behind her through a few more turns and red lights and it wasn't long before they were pulling into a gated area that looked more like warehouses. They stopped as she punched a number into a keypad that opened the gate so they could pull through. Driving all the way to the back to the last one, it was quite sizable with its own tall fencing with a keypad for entrance. What the fuck is she storing in here...this isn't just a regular storage unit...this is like one we have for the all of our tour shit!

She once again entered a code and they pulled in with the fencing closing behind them. She got out to go unlock the door motioning for him to follow. She got inside, hitting all the switches to get the lights on so she could make her way over to the big door that opened wide all the way to the ceiling. She looked behind her and he wasn't there. Maybe he's on the phone or something. She hit the button on the wall to raise the big door to bring her stuff in real quick, wanting to be able to hurry back out to be with James. As the door stared to rise, she saw the bottoms of his long legs in front of her ride and snickered, to discover that he was checking under the hood. The door made its way to the top and stopped. He looked over his shoulder, cheesing like the Cheshire. Fuck...her claws are sunk completely into my skin with a death grip now...I'd love nothing more than to take her to the back and open the gate to lay her down and fuck her right here and now..."See something you like?," tiff purred. "Yep, sure do! Two things actually, this ride and the fine ass fox it belongs to! Why didn't you say it was yours earlier?," James asked. She blushed at his comment, "Well maybe I just wanted to see what you thought about it. I think it's distasteful and unladylike to brag. I didn't think I'd see you again, so what would it have mattered.," she muttered the last part with her head toward the floor. Nervous to be around him, knowing the main thing on her mind, she wanted him bad. She wanted his hands and mouth all over her, and to do the same to him...she wanted to him to be inside of her.

The hood slamming down to shut brought her head up as he was walking toward her. "Tiffany you have one hell of a sexy ride. It sounds good, looks good, and the race gas you're running smells good. I think your ride suits you well baby," he stated while walking to her slowly. "You're voice makes me melt, you look sexy as hell, and smell amazing.," he confessed as he was now face to face with her. "You and this Blazer are a perfect fucking match," he whispered to her mouth. Her chest was rising up and down at a faster speed as she couldn't break away from his stare, and couldn't speak. She only wanted one thing and James felt it in the way she was looking at him. He couldn't resist anymore. He grabbed her up by the waist and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, welcoming his mouth. Her back was to the wall and she was lost in his kiss. Full of desire and wanting more, one hand left her ass and went to her breast to greedily message. She could feel his hard cock pressing into her heated center and was about to take her shirt over her head so he could have better access when she remembered. "James we gotta stop! There's cameras all in this place! I'm sorry it's my fault, I want you so bad that I couldn't wait anymore! Let me unload everything but my clothes and I'll pull in and lock it so we can get out of here." He snickered, "Yeah I guess that's a good idea," he grumbled as he reached down to adjust himself even though she was watching , "But see what you do to me!" Tiff blushed and walked to start unloading her things. "If it makes you feel any better, you do the same thing to me, you just can't see it through my pants!" Her comment made James laugh as he walked to help her unload her things.

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