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His hand firmly held hers as he led her back down the hall to his dressing room. Without him even looking at her, that wild whipping wind was back at her body. They got to his door and he pulled her in behind him. He let go of her hand once it was closed behind her. "Um, I had already placed my dinner order before you came down earlier. So I told Gio right before the show just to have them double it. I hope you like barbecue ribs and wings. But if you don't or if you're a vegetarian, I'll have one of the guys go get you something. Whatever you'd like." Tiff let out a laugh with her hands on her hips. "I truly appreciate your hospitality, but I was brought up traditionally southern Mr. Hetfield! Now what self respecting southern woman doesn't like good barbecue and wings?"God that accent...a little twang, but kinda proper at the same time. Like in those old movies. He shook his head laughing "okay, okay!," motioning for her to sit.

As she rested herself down, she noticed there were several extra large handled bags labeled with their famous logo filled to the tops with Metallica gear. She was sipping her beer as he was nervously rubbing his knees, seeing she noticed the gifts. "Uh, I had them gather you some stuff and I threw in some special extras myself. I hope everything fits.", as he motioned toward all the gifts. "Thank you, that was sweet! But not necessary. You don't have to buy or bribe me to spend time with you," she replied trying to hide her nerves. "Oh God, please don't think that! I..that wasn't...I didn't mean it that way!," he pleaded. Her face turning red, "I don't want you to think I'm that kind of person. The kind of woman that only treats a man a certain way to obtain gifts. I know things escalated very intensely between us in this very room earlier, and please accept my apologies. That was very out of character for me. I'm not that girl. I don't act that way. I guess..um..I was, I am very attracted to you and our conversation was flowing so natural. You were saying such nice things to me and I gave in." She leaned her head down ashamed to have acted such a manner. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. He softly grabbed her hand, "Please don't apologize! You did nothing wrong! I am beyond attracted to you. And not just for your looks. Please, there's nothing to be ashamed of! If you want to leave, I understand. But I don't want you to go. I swear I won't touch you or anything like that unless you ask me too! I just want to spend time with you and share a meal together. But if you're uncomfortable, it's okay, I will have a driver take you home."

The last thing he wanted was for her to leave, but didn't want her to feel like he was expecting her to do something more. "I want to stay and spend more time with you, but I feel kind of gross. I'm covered in sweat and God knows what else from everyone that was near me in the crowd. You know what I mean?," she asked, just wanting to clean up all the sweat, spit, and grime she felt she was covered in. "Well the showers here are more like a locker room and I'd hate for you to have to use them, but if you want I can take you down there. I'll have Gio or myself stand guard outside the door." She was thinking about it until he blurted another option. "If you're comfortable with it, I can take you back to the hotel. Our dinner is still bagged up. I can have everything loaded in one of the vans and take us. Only if you want though. If you decide you want to and if it makes you more at ease, I can leave the suite while you clean up. I swear I will be a perfect gentleman. No funny business unless you initiate it or ask me to." She thought for a moment as she could see he was sincere. She downed her beer and sat the empty bottle to the table. "Okay, I'll...I want to go," she said, almost a whisper. Her nerves wrapped up in knots when she finally looked back up to see his smile, she couldn't resist sweetly smiling back. "Okay, wait just a minute, I'll be right back." He went to the the door to peek his head out and saw Gio to the right. He went out and shut the door behind him. "Hey can you have someone get our food and the bags of merch prepared for her, and load it all up in one of the vans to take us back to the hotel? We are ready to get out of here." Gio nodded, "Yes sir, give me a few moments and I'll have you ready to go." James went back to the room to grab his extra large duffel bag his belongings had previously been packed up in while he was on stage to sling it across his shoulder. Looking at her, "You ready? You sure?" She shyly nodded and smiled with an "Mmhmm." Tiffany stood and walked to his side as he grabbed two beers to go with one hand, and hers in the other.

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