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"Well, I better go. James, thank you again for everything. It was truly the best night of my life, and I'll never forget it." Tiffany squeezed his hand in hers, taking in the sight of him for a few more seconds before turning to open the door. "Hey! Wait a minute! Can I kiss you goodbye?," he was almost begging as he squeezed the top of her thigh. Tiff hadn't even got the door open when she heard his question, and she turned back to him, kissing him with every once of emotion in her body. If it was gonna be the last she ever saw him, she wanted to really make it count. James devoured her mouth in return, his hands at the sides of her face pushing up into her hair. She wrapped her arms around him tight to feel close to him one last time. His arms moved to mirror hers and they were about to be hot and heavy again. They held each other tight as their mouths were feverishly working each other. She brought her hands back to his face as she pulled her mouth away. With the tips of their noses almost touching, her eyes pierced into his. Wishing with all her might that this didn't have to end, but it did. "Bye James, thank you again," she whispered right at his lips. He was going to kiss her again, but she turned to open the door and hopped out. Looking back one last time, she gave him a sweet smile, closed the door and walked away. Gio was already almost back to the van. She stopped to meet him, "Gio, thank you for everything. I'm pleased to have met you," she extended her hand for a shake and he met it, "Same to you, and you're very welcome." He gave her a nod as she made her way to the sidewalk fighting the tears back.

Gio got back in the van to look at James in the rear view mirror. "James that K5 is fucking perfect!!" Instead of picking back up where they left off about the truck, James didn't respond and looked sad. "Hey Het, you okay?" James looked up to the mirror taking a second to reply, "Man I have to see her again. I don't know what I'll do if she stands me up later today. Oh fuck!! Gio hurry! Go pull up beside her! I forgot to set a time and place to pick her up later!!" The big man hit the gas and squealed out of the parking spot, rushing along the sidewalk but they didn't see her. Going a little further, his eyes frantically searching, James spotted her turning to walk down the last little bit before reaching the entrance. "STOP!!," he yelled and jumped out of the van in a full sprint to catch her before it was too late. "Tiffany!! Wait!! Tiffany!!," James ran as fast as he could as he yelled for her. Tiff turned around to see James running toward her and she stopped. She couldn't believe he was running across a crowded campus. If anyone spotted him, it would turn into madness. She ran to him meeting him halfway, jerking him behind a tall row of bushes. "Are you fucking crazy?! If you're noticed, you are gonna be swarmed by a bunch of wild fans!!" James snickered, "You forgot to tell me what time to pick you up!" She gave him a blank stare,"Yeah, cause I figured you were just blowing smoke up my ass trying to be nice like you weren't gonna shag ass outta here and never look back." Just the thought of never seeing him again was making her have to fight tears once more. He saw her eyes starting to fill and was surprised at her response, "Seriously, I spilled my feelings to you last night! You think I'm bullshitting you now? And after I just ran like a maniac in broad fucking daylight in front of all these people to catch you before you were gone?!" Still looking at him with a blank stare, her cheeks started to get that pink tint and she couldn't help but shyly smile. "What time can I pick you up?," he asked again. She thought a second, "I'll be done with my final by 1:00, then I have to pack up all my personal belongings and load it up in the car. I'll be done around 3:00.  Any time after that is fine with me, so how about 6:00?" The smile returned to James' face hearing her answer. He reached and kissed her sweetly one last time. "I'll be here at 3:00!," stopping for a second as he remembered something else, "Hey Tiffany, you got a last name?" In reflex, she rolled here eyes, "Well, yeah!" There's that sassy shit...she's sinking her claws deeper into me and doesn't even realize it. "You gonna share it with me?," he asked and couldn't help but laugh. She made him wait for it, "O'Malley. See ya later Mr.H." He gave her a crooked grin before turning to sprint back to van. She just stood there smiling like a naive school girl. She was smitten and couldn't help it. Maybe he will show up later. Shrugging her shoulders and trying to put the thoughts of him to the side, she ran in the building and up the several flights of stairs to her room. She unlocked her door and took a deep breath trying to prepare herself for what she may be about to walk in to find.

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