Twenty Seven

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James tossed his phone to the other end of the couch as his other was wound in her long hair, "Baby what you're doing feels fucking amazing, but I want you to stand up so I can look at you." She brought herself up off of her work on his dick to give a reluctant grin as he leaned forward to kiss her saliva covered lips with his hands extending to feel her breasts under the mesh and silk. "Tiffany, you're fucking stone cold sexy and I need to see it one more time before I slide it off your body," he asked with his lips still touching hers. Tiff stood and nervously walked to the other side of the room to turn and face him. With a serious expression on his face, he motioned a single finger in a circle signaling her to turn around. She blushed a little, but did a 360 for him.

James stood and slowly strutted to her, taking her in his arms to kiss her deeply, full of desire and passion as his hands went wild all over her body. The feel of her tongue as it moved across his mouth was igniting his body into a fiery blaze while the feel of her skin under his touch was throwing gasoline on the flames. James couldn't wait any longer to have her and without breaking away from her wild kisses, he started guiding her backwards to sit her on the couch as he went to his knees in front. With her legs draped on either side of him, he leaned back to appreciate her provocative attire and body as he slowly drug his hands from her calves above her boots all the way up to her thighs. God she's fucking beautiful. He leaned down to suckle up her stomach making his way to her breasts to lick the crest of each one while her fingers began to wind into his blonde locks giving gentle pulls. Using his fingertips to gently slide the straps off of her shoulders, the fabric fell exposing her breasts, which he immediately took in his hands to palm and message in need. "Fuck..mmm," he moaned just as he took one in his mouth to suck as her hands moved to grip at the skin of his neck and back. She was whimpering under the feel of his tongue moving over the perk bud as he slid his hand behind her to unhook the clasp. As soon as she felt the light snap, she impatiently grabbed the fabric and slung it across the room causing him to chuckle. She took the sides of his face to bring him in for another ravenous kiss. She closed her eyes as she explored his mouth, feeling his warm tongue against hers. James kept his stare upon her, soaking up how much passion she showed for him. He knew he was lost in love with her. I want to tell her so fucking bad! James's mind was urging him to say it, but he didn't want her to think it was only due the heat of the moment, so he shoved it back to concentrate on giving her pleasure.

He inched his hands down her sides to her hips, hooking his fingers around the tiny elastic waist of her panties and started to gently pull. She lifted up a smidge so he could slide them off and once he discarded them to the side, she was panting with desire. I told her I was gonna make her beg...let's see how long it takes. With a needy grunt, he placed his hands at the bend of her knees, pushing them all the way forward to rest at each side of her torso. Tiffany was squirming, desperate for him to place his attention at her core. Staring down at her slit spread open for him, he looked back up to her desperate gaze and gave an almost malicious snicker. James began to place sweet gentle pecks up the back of her thighs then increasing to hard wet sucks, but avoiding the drenched pink folds at the center. She was trembling with eagerness as her hands wound through his hair and fingertips digging into his shoulders, "James please! I can't stand it anymore! I need you to touch me!,"she pleaded. He leaned up to her face with an evil grin, "I promised you that I'd make you beg me for more, now I'm gonna make sure the floor below us hears you scream my name." She leaned to kiss him again, but he pulled out of her reach. "Hold your legs back," he ordered and she complied as he began to lightly drag his tongue over each of her outer lips. Her quivers had now increased almost to a full shake as he continued his teasing.

Feeling her response, he took his tongue to her entrance and began to slowly push in and out. "Aaaagh...oh God," she mewled. He leaned back and took the two middle fingers of his right hand to run up and down her slit while his index and pinkie fingers spread her lips. While holding her gaze, he then slid the two fingers inside to feel her warm slick walls and began easing them in and out.  "Oh God James, it feels so good!," she moaned out louder. He curled his fingers to hit the right spot and increased his pace. Seeing her face start to contort in pleasure, he took his tongue to barely flick over her clit. "Mmmmm!," she squealed. James then enclosed his mouth around the swelled bundle of nerves to suck while her legs were twitching with each flick of his tongue. Her walls were starting to pulse and tighten around his fingers, signaling she was close and he abruptly stopped. "James! Please! Don't stop!," she cried out. James lifted his head to look her in the eyes , "I thought you wanted me to fulfill my promises?," he teased before taking her into a deep kiss. He moved from her mouth to lick down her chest and take her breasts in each hand kneading each while watching her facial expressions. "Tell me what you want baby," he mumbled as he took a nipple, sucking and nibbling. "Oh God...please...I want you inside of me!," she cried out. Upon hearing her plea, he picked her up and carried her to the dining room table to lay her back across it with her legs dangling at his sides.

Even though they had discussed it earlier, he still wanted to make sure, "Do you want me to use a condom? This is your choice baby and it ain't gonna bother me if you do." She shook her head, "No James, I want to feel you and I want you to cum inside of me." With one hand teasing the skin of her thigh, he shoved his pants and shorts to the floor with the other. He paused as he gazed at her body laid out in front of him, "You're so fucking gorgeous baby, I'm about to make you scream my name. Is that what you want?" Tiffany was squirming and panting, frantic for him to quench her need, "Please James! Please fuck me!," she pleaded. Taking her by the ankles, he spread her legs open wide and placed the heels of her boots on the edge of the table. James took his fingers to pump into her a few more times while his thumb worked her clit. He removed his hand and leaned down to kiss her quick and firm before inserting his soaked fingers into her mouth, "See how good you taste baby." The sight of her sucking his digits made him powerless to refrain from being inside her. With his other hand, he lined himself up at her entrance and began to slowly push in. She stopped the suckling of his fingers as she felt that incredible stretching sensation making her euphoric cries unable to be held in, "Oh fuck!!! James!"

Now all the way sheathed inside of her, he took his hands to her hips to hold firm and began to thrust into her slow and deep. Tiff leaned herself up on her elbows, craving to see him plunging into her. Reading her body, he asked, "You want to watch baby?," while moving a hand to the back of her neck to curl her torso upward toward him. Seeing his dick slowly moving in and out of her slippery flesh further ignited the libidinous rush flowing though her veins. Hearing her mewls and squeals amplifying, his need to pound into her was stronger than ever. "I'm gonna fuck you real hard and fast now, you tell me if I hurt you okay?" She nodded, "Please...I can't wait anymore!" He gently placed her back flat on the table, reassuming his firm grip at her hips, and increased his pace exponentially, thrusting harder and faster with the need to go as deep as he could causing her back to arch upward and wails of pleasure to once more amplify. Her hands were gripping his forearms with her fingernails staring to sink into his skin. Watching and hearing her unhinged pleasure had James hanging by a thread and he knew he couldn't hold back much more. "Fuck're...fucking sexy as hell...your so tight...feels so fucking good...gripping my dick!" James loudly grunted out in between his trusts with sweat now dripping from his forehead. Taking one hand from her hip, he started rubbing her clit to give her the extra push to meet him. "JAMES!! OH MY GOD!! JAAAAMES!! I'M GONNA CUM!!!," she was now screaming in ecstasy as her climax was quickly approaching. "Fuck yes baby!!...scream my name!," James shouted. "I'm right behind you...are you sure you don't want me to pull out?," James asked hoping for a quick reply. Hearing his words sent her over the edge as she grasped the sides of the table, "Yes I'm sure!!....AAAAGH...JAAAAAAMES!!!" He felt her clench hard around him as her face and screams of pleasure showed she'd reached the peak. He thrust hard and deep once more, spilling his release into her as he rode his high.

Once his slowed sloppy thrusts finally came to a stop, he wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned down to cradle her into an embrace. As they both descended to the end of their high, with him still inside, he lifted her upright against him and carried her to the bathroom. As she clung to his body, the words he wanted to say so badly were on the tip of his tongue. Wanting to give her privacy as she tended her business, James used some tissues on the nightstand to clean himself before sitting on the edge of the bed. He was fiercely fighting the urge to say it and take a chance on her reaction. After cleaning up and throwing a robe on, tiff walked out still a little weak-kneed and gave a sheepish grin seeing his face looking her way. "Come here," he said nervously as he reached to pull her close in between his thighs. With her standing before him and wrapped in his arms, he felt like his heart was going to beat out of his body as he held her tight with his cheek upon her chest.

James looked up into her eyes to finally say it, "Tiffany, I'm falling in love with you." She was taken by surprise, pausing a few moments before responding. Pushing the bottom half of her robe open to allow room, she went to straddle and sit upon his lap as her eyes began to fill with emotion, "I've already fallen James, I'm in love with you."

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