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Kevin got the trio of ladies back down to the VIP room. There were only a handful of people in there talking amongst themselves. They noticed the ladies as they entered, most nodded and smiled, a few of the men letting their eyes wonder. The girls smiled back and went to a few chairs in the corner feeling a little out of place, still wound up with adrenaline. Before they sat, Claire and Courtney hugged Tiff tightly. Both so glad Tiff was finally able to let loose and enjoy herself. She always maintained her studies and achieved the best grades. She stuck to her workout plan and never missed a shift at work. Never taking a moment for enjoyment. They saw another side of her that night. She wasn't so hard on herself and so down to business. She had put her strict exterior aside, had a blast, and savored every moment. "We are so happy you've had a good time tonight! God, if anyone deserves it, it's you. You work so hard and try your damnedest to make sure we stay in check. Even when you've been drowning in the books, you always check on us, making sure we are good. Hell, you're our best friend, but almost a second momma as well.", Courtney was starting to get a little emotional. She held in her happy tears to continue, "God Tiff, we love you!" Claire never wanting to appear sappy, always maintaining her cold exterior, "For Christ sake Court! Get yourself together! She knows we fucking love her and wanted her to have a good time! Hell, we talked her into getting all sexified and here tonight! I knew she would catch the eye of some sexy man. I was hoping it would be her 'Hotfield', but never did I think her banging body would have this affect on him! Hell we are in the mother fucking VIP room waiting on the guys of Metallica and you're over there about to be crying like a big baby! You've drank too much beer you ol' drunk bitch! Pull yourself together!", she blurted, shaking Court by the shoulders and snickering. Deep down she was just as sappy about it as Court but kept it well hidden. Tiffany let out a little giggle at her friends, "Thank you guys again, this has been amazing! Seriously, it's been the best night of my life!" They all hugged once more.

Being back under bright lights again, Court noticed Tiff's makeup was missing something as she was always the girl with the put together face. "Oh hell, I know your lipstick didn't just disappear from drinking beer...ya know you're just in luck?", as she pulled a small tube out of her pocket and went apply more pink tint to her pout. Tiff thanked her as she was looking around. Wondering if there were gonna be more people down here, was it going to turn into the typical sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll she'd read about through the years. Then a thought slammed into her mind giving her a twinge of panic. "Before the show, you two spent almost an hour with the guard, Kevin. Who I come to gather is Gio's second in command. And as I already informed you, that is James' personal bodyguard. Not just one of a local company hired to work the show. I know you chatterboxes didn't share with him all of the plotting and scheming you stirred up in your cauldron for tonight...Did you?," she slithered out while eying them. The two looked at each other, both with an 'uh-oh' face. Claire spoke up knowing Court wasn't going to in fear of disappointing tiff. "Uh yeah we may have told him...and uh...maybe..uh, might have told Lars too!" She automatically flinched and threw her arm up in defense knowing what was coming. "Ouch! Fuck! Damnit!" The girls winced as Tiff had whopped both of them. "Look, we're sorry!" Court explained, "we were just so excited! We really never thought it would go this far. All of us being down here given special being delivered to a rockstar's dressing room at his request! We thought maybe he'd see you at the meet & greet, give you a wink and maybe a hug, sign an autograph and that's it! Yeah we wanted you to catch his eye, but we swear we weren't out trying to pimp you out or anything! Plus, he's married! Yeah he might want to have a little fun with you, make out and maybe ask you to suck his dick or something, but I doubt he'll take it any further!"

Fuck, he is married! Tiff had forgotten all about that big elephant of a fact. Still she held a straight face, not wanting to share what actually happened. "Look, we just talked. Yeah we kissed a few times but nothing more."I can't believe I'm lying to them. "He's actually a really nice down to earth person, and I was so happy to have been able to spend time with him and get to know him if only for a little bit." Her friends just eyed her down, then gave evil little laughs. "Uh huh, yeah that can be you're story for now, but you're gonna spill the truth later!," Claire mumbled as her and Court continued their wicked giggles. Before Tiff could untruthfully object, the door on the far side of the room opened. Jason, Kirk, and Lars entered the room. They stopped to talk with the group seated near the food and beverage tables. The guests were praising them for their performance, the guys thanked them to sit and join in their small talk for a few moments. Tiff's eyes were searching for James. Wondering if after all his begging for her to meet him after the show, he had changed his mind. Disappointment slowly started to creep down her face but she quickly shoved it away. She didn't want it to be obvious to her friends.

Lars stood up from the guests and made his way to over to the beverage table. He grabbed four bottles and made his way to the girls over in the corner. "Hey ladies, glad you decided to come back!," he said as he handed them each a cold beer, "The party is about to get started!" They girls thanked him for their drinks as he was shouting across the room, "Jason, Kirk, come over here!," motioning towards where they sat. They guys starting heading over as they whispered to one another. "Guys I want to introduce you to these lovely ladies," the girls stood up and Claire was the first to extend her hand. As Kirk accepted, Lars made the introductions. This is Claire, as she shook Kirk's hand and then Jason's. He skipped Tiffany. And this is Courtney, as she gladly shook their hands. The guys gave their 'nice to meet yous' and their eyes went back to the bashful blonde. "You must be Tiffany, very nice to meet you miss," Kirk said, trying not to ogle her. Jason had to push him to the side to get his turn. "Ma'am I'm Jason, very nice to meet you!" He too was taken back with her beauty. "Glad y'all were able to join us tonight, please help yourself to the food and drinks," Jason said, still holding her hand and staring a little too long so Lars gave him a jab in the side. Claire and Court both let out a snicker and Tiff got her hand back. "Hey why don't y'all come join us over at the tables? We are starving and gonna enjoy this food and some more drinks. Whadya say?", Jason asked.

The girls nodded to head over to the long tables with chairs. Just as they were all seated, the door across the way opened, and in walked James. Tiffany's breath hitched a bit at the sight of him. She was wringing her hands under the table trying to focus her nervousness out of sight. "Fuck man! Always gotta be late and make a grand entrance!" Lars yelled as he laughed. Standing up and walking to meet James across the room, he strolled with him back to the table where the girls were seated. "Let me introduce you to our new friends!" Claire and Court stood to greet him. "Brunette number one here is Claire and number two is Courtney," Lars said directing his hand to each of them. He shook their hands and gave the usual greeting. "Oh my God, it's such a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for having us down to hang out with y'all!," the two chimed in unison before taking their seats again. He smiled and nodded. "Hope y'all enjoyed the show, we're glad to have you. Hope y'all enjoy yourselves for the rest of the evening," his eyes went straight to Tiff. Not able to speak, his heartbeat and breathing picking up speed. Everyone at the table noticed, trying to smother their chuckles. Her eyes unable to part from his either. He broke the silence looking down at the two friends, "Please forgive me, but I'm gonna steal your friend from you for dinner with me." All smiles and squirming in their seats, they both nodded and stood up to give their goodbyes. The three hugged and the friends whispered in Tiff's ear, "Have a good time, you deserve it, see you later, we love you." Tiff gave her famous bashful smile, "I will, I love y'all too", and hugged them tight. Before heading to James, Tiffany walked to the beverage table to get another beer. As her back was to them, James leaned down to whisper to the friends, "Rest assured ladies, I will make sure she is safe and taken care of." They smiled and nodded, appreciative of his reassurance. Tiff made her way back and James took her hand to lead her back across the room. He opened the door to guide her through, and she leaned back to look at her friends with a smile, so thankful for them making her early birthday gift the best she'd ever received.

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