Twenty Two

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She had already showered and shaved, but was still standing under the water thinking about the past two days. The way he was so sweet and considerate was making her realize she was indeed falling for him. You fucking dumbass...don't you dare allow yourself to fall for're just something to entertain him until he goes home...just accept it for what it is...Tiff thought to herself a few more moments. I have a week with him...I'll deal with the heartbreak when he leaves. Just then there was a knock on the bathroom door and James peeked his head in to ask, "Hey, can I come in?" She snickered to herself quietly as she smiled, "yeah," she said meekly. "Are you okay?," he asked, leaning back to sit on the counter. "Mhmm, I'm okay.," she answered with a smile even though he couldn't see it. She was more than okay. She was on cloud nine, but deep down she felt it wouldn't last. She turned the water off and opened the frosted glass door. He was shocked at her sudden lack of shyness and went to look away. "Why are you looking away? You've seen me naked a few times now?," tiff giggled out as she dried herself. James chuckled as he turned his head back around to take in the view of her body. She started to giggle harder and covered her face as she noticed him already forming a tent in his sweatpants. James looked down and chuckled, "See what you do to me! That's why I looked away. You're so beautiful, I can't help it."

She smiled as she dried off and grabbed deodorant and lotion to start her routine while he sat and adored every inch of her body. After she wrapped her hair up in a towel he spoke, "Come here and I'll get your back," motioning for her to hand him the bottle. She paused for a moment, realizing the lighting in the bathroom was bright and he would see every single imperfection. He saw the worry in her eyes, "I know you're self conscious about it, but I already saw it last night. Do you feel comfortable with me? Do you trust me?" She took a deep breath and walked up to him, handing the bottle over and James squeezed some into his hands. "Do you want to turn around?," he questioned sweetly, looking in her eyes and seeing the pain she was hiding behind the ocean blues. She stood frozen and speechless. He leaned to softly kiss her forehead, "It's okay, I understand," he said as he rubbed his hands together and applied the lotion to her arms. Tiff's eyes were threatening to fill, but she refused to cry. She choked back the tears and slowly turned around. "I wouldn't be here with you if I wasn't comfortable or didn't trust you. It's just that I don't want you to think I'm unattractive or ugly. If it bothers you, tell me and I'll turn back around where you don't have to see it.," she explained. It was fell silent for a few moments while James was searching for the right words until she heard him getting more lotion. He was looking at all the little light pink scars that went from the middle of her back all the way down to the top of the backs of her thighs. "Baby, you're the furthest thing from unattractive or ugly, you're gorgeous," he let out in a sigh as he started messaging the lotion onto her upper back. He got down off the counter and went to his knees to place light kisses on each scar before messaging lotion over them making his way down to her bottom and the back of her thighs, doing the same sweet gesture.

Tiffany had always thought a man would find the back view of her repulsive, even though after almost four years the scars were faded and some even looked like freckles. She was melting under his touch and words. "Your skin is so soft, I could kiss your body all night long.," James mumbled into the top of her thigh where it meets her bottom. He squeezed her cheeks, "and your ass is fucking perfect too." He continued moving his mouth to openly kiss her hip. James was making his best attempt to comfort her, but knew he had to stop touching her or he would lose control. The sight and feel of her body already had him aching with desire. Taking every bit of willpower he had, he stood back up and turned her to face him. Wrapping one arm around her, he pulled her close and tenderly kissed her lips before taking her face to cradle her head into his chest. "Tiffany, your beauty isn't affected by those scars. I think you are the sexiest and most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. It blows my mind that no man has ever told you that before." She was comforted by his words. With her face still upon his chest, she replied, "James...I haven't even went on a date or kissed a man since the night it happened four years ago, much less let someone touch me or see me the way you have. I'd only had one boyfriend prior to that and didn't let him get very far. We made out several times and I'd let him feel me over my clothes. Things escalated a few times and I gave him oral, but that's as far as I ever allowed things to go. I was only 16 and wasn't ready for anything more. So now you know you were my first for a lot of things." She stopped there not wanting to go into it any further and just let James hold her. Feeling her shiver a bit, James reached for a robe and wrapped it around her body.

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