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Still trying to calm his heavy breathing, he placed his hands to the sides of her arms bringing her back up to him. He placed a heated sloppy kiss over her mouth, ravaging her warm tongue. He cupped her face as he pulled away, his glare piercing hers. James let his hands travel down to her waist and gripped the waistband of his shorts she was wearing. Oh shit, he's about to see me completely naked. He sunk his fingers around the elastic band and pulled them over her hips to let them drop to the floor. Tiff tried to cover her intimate area, but he gently pushed her hands away as he took in the sight of her fully bare body. "Come up here and lay down," he leaned to whisper at her cheek. The sensation of his breath on her face made all the hairs on her body stand up. She crawled up onto the bed, but knowing he would be able to see the scattered markings being this close, she quickly turned over so the back of her body was out of his view. He stood at the foot to look down at her, his chest heavily rising up and down. He placed a knee on the bed to bend towards her, running his large hands up her smooth legs to the tops of her thighs. She was craving so much more and was desperate for him to touch in the center where her thighs met. Instead he ran his hands back to her knees to push them up so her feet were flat on the sheets. Climbing onto the space in front of her, he pulled her knees apart to take in the view. His breathing was heavy and his heartbeat fast and pounding. He needed to feel her on his tongue and taste her arousal.

Tiffany was squirming with need when he brought himself up, resting the weight of his body in between her thighs to meet her jaw with sweet light kisses that journeyed down her neck all the way to her shoulder. Then turned his attention to her breasts. They were big, but not too big, firm, and full. Sitting just right as his hands went to cup each of them. He kissed her deep and became rougher as he messaged her bust. He felt her small nipples were peaked, begging for his touch. He quickly moved to give it, placing his mouth on one to suck as he squeezed his hand on the warm flesh, while applying just the right amount of pressure on the other one between his fingertips before taking his mouth across her chest to drag his teeth across the needy pink bud.  She whimpered in pleasure, eyes rolling back in her head as her fingers were twisting in his hair. He left her breasts to travel down her stomach, still kissing and licking further down until he reached the top of her bare mound. Looking at her with the corners of his mouth curling upward, "I'm about to make you feel so good," as he continued to knead the sensitive flesh of her chest. Feeling so much need for him, and the pleasure he wanted to give her, she was also scared. She wasn't scared of James, she felt surprisingly safe with him. She wanted more, but the feeling of the unknown is what was causing the fear. "James, I'm kinda scared, nobody...nobody's ever done that," she managed to get out raising her head to look down at him. "Oh baby, prepare yourself, I'm about to put you above the clouds if you'll let me," he spoke with a gravelly low voice while holding her stare. Her legs were trembling and it was taking all her strength to keep from squirming again out of need. James continued, "I'm not gonna hurt you, and if you don't like it, I'll stop. It's okay either way, but you have to tell me what you want." She let out a deep breath, "Oh God James!", she whimpered, "I want you so bad, I'm about to crawl out of my skin if you don't touch me. I've never needed something so bad! Please, I want you to touch me with your hands, your mouth, whatever! I just need you!" He let out a long low grunt as he gave a wicked grin up to her needy face. "You don't have to ask twice or beg me baby, hold on, you're in for a wild ride," he hissed with eyes on fire.

James took her legs to rest on his shoulders. His mouth was on her mound instantly, kissing gently down her folds as she let out little noises of pleasure. He pressed his tongue inside to meet her heat at the bottom of her slit and brought it up between her wet folds making his way back to the top, resting at her clit. "James....holy shit...oh my God!", she pleaded for more as she tugged his hair. He placed his mouth around the small bunch of nerves and began to suck gently as he moved his tongue in soft circles. She was writhing and moaning loudly under his skillful mouth. He brought his right hand down under his chin and placed the middle finger into her folds to be enveloped in her juices as he rubbed up and down, then joined another finger to carefully coat it, wanting to push them both into her to feel her hot tight walls. Initially there was too much resistance, limiting him to using only his middle digit. She gasped at the intrusion of his finger, making her walls clench as he pumped it in and out. Her wetness was increasing, allowing him to introduce the second finger to push up into her. With his mouth making magical moves on her clit and his fingers taking her higher and higher, she arched her back and was crying his name out in pleasure.

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