Twenty Five

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Tiffany had grabbed her toiletry bag and went to the bathroom, sitting out everything she needed while James stood leaning against the doorway watching her. "You don't have to keep putting your stuff up after you shower and get ready. You're gonna be here for a week, so why don't you unpack your bag and leave your stuff in the shower and on the counter. That is, if you want to.," James said with a sweet little smirk. She shyly looked over to him to reply, "Are you sure? It really doesn't bother me, remember I've lived in a dorm, where I have to basically do this every day. I mean this is your suite, not mine. And I'm a girl...girls have lots of bathroom things. I don't want you to feel like I've taken over your space." He strutted over to her, leaning down to her ear while cupping the opposite side of her face, "Please unpack your things and arrange them however you'd like. I want you to feel as comfortable here as I do. That goes for your clothes as well."

She could feel his facial hair tickling against the bare skin of her neck and began to laugh as she tried to scoot away from him. He quickly placed a hand at her back preventing her from moving as he started to snicker at her contagious laughter. "What's so funny?," he asked with his face still brushing against the same spot. She couldn't respond for her laughter had increased while trying to pull away from him. "What is it?!," he begged. "Your goatee, hahaha! It's tickling my neck!," she blurted out as she laughed. "Oh really?!," he said as he laughed with her, seizing the moment to hold her still and playfully rub his facial hair all over her bare neck and shoulder. Tiff was laughing hysterically while trying to free herself from his grip, he loved her playfulness and kept on. "James stop!!," she pleaded through intense laughter, "You're gonna make me pee on myself!" He loosened his grip on her and held her face in his hands while he smiled from ear to ear, "You're so much fun, I haven't been able to be silly like this in quite a while. You really make me happy Tiffany." As he spoke those last words, the look on his face went from the boyish smile to one more serious as he held her gaze. Her laughter had ceased as she was looking into his eyes while he held her face so sweetly. "James, you have made me more happy in the last three days than I have been in several years. I've definitely never felt like this before.," she pulled the brakes on her words before she said something to embarrass herself and possiby freak him out. Tiff leaned up to place a tender kiss at the corner of his mouth before sitting down on the toilet. James turned away and asked, "Um do you want some privacy?" Tiff rolled her eyes, "Really?! You've seen me and my naked body react to all the pleasure you given and you ask if I want privacy to pee?!," she asked in shock. He still had his back to her and let out a tiny bit of a chuckle. "I was just making sure, I don't want you to feel awkward with me standing here," he explained as he turned back toward her.

Tiff had already finished her business and was opening the large glass door starting the shower. James eyes were fixated on her frame as it was bent over. He could see the lips of her sex and was turned on. He went up behind her, pressing his body to hers, leaning down to wrap his arms around her body. It caught her off guard and she flinched a little, straightening back up quickly to turn to face him, trying to play it off. He noticed but didn't say anything even though it got his wheels turning again. She took his hand and pulled him in to stand under the water with her. James leaned to kiss her forehead and hold her tight for a few minutes before quickly lathering up and rinsing so she could have the shower to herself. "There you go baby, all yours," he said while showing her a smile that made her heart skip a beat. He stepped out and grabbed a towel before turning back about to close the glass door, but stood there momentarily to take in the sight of her body now covered in foamy shampoo suds that were floating down her skin. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen...and I'm in love with her. The smile faded from his face before he spoke again, "Tiffany, you're breathtakingly beautiful...and not just on the make happy and I enjoy every second with you...and I'm fal..," he abruptly stopped himself before confessing his feelings, "I'm gonna shave.," he blurted out quickly as he went to the sink. Fuck I hope she didn't realize what I was about to say. Tiff smiled all giddy as her eyes feasted on his body while he peered at her through the mirror, he was like a drug she couldn't get enough of. "You're sinfully handsome and sexy Mr. H, and sweet, kind, and thoughtful too...if I didn't feel like I smelled like a goat, I'd pull you back in here with me and have your whole body trembling under my touch!," she purred as she pulled the door to.

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