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The traffic was typical rush hour madness. The cabbie was weaving in and out of lanes headed toward the stadium. Surprisingly he had them there in less than thirty minutes. Court grabbed cash for the fair and gave it to him, and Claire handed him $10 for the tip since he got them there as quick as possible. They all climbed out and thanked him, all while trying to hold back their high pitched squeals of excitement. They had another ten minutes before the gates opened, so Claire decided they would try and walk around to the back of the stadium to catch a glance of the megastars that they had come to see. She pawed at Tiffany's hand and said "we aren't going in just yet, come on."

She led the three of them around to the back where all the tour buses and 18 wheelers packed with their gear parked. Once they got to the top of the hill, they all stopped to look down and see Metallica's tour bus and all the accompanying rigs and trailers. There were security guards and roadies galore, with several handfuls of what appeared to be groupies trying to get a taste of what they came for, all standing around the tour bus and near the back entrance. "Tiff, look down there," Courtney whispered as she pointed down the bottom of the ramp that led to the large parking area and loading dock designated for performers only. Tiffany's smile couldn't have been any bigger. Her whole face was lit up with excitement. She did a little happy dance, jumping up and down, "Holy shit! There's their bus! I could seriously jump out of my skin!" The other two looking at her being so thrilled at the sight, gasped and started giggling at the sight of Tiff's boobs bouncing as she jumped around. At the same time, some of the men down by the tour bus noticed too and starting whistling and catcalling. "That ain't that only thing that's gonna be jumping out! Claire snickered and pointed to the mounds of flesh that were already pushed up as high as they would go because of the bustier, "I think maybe that top was a bad choice, your tits are almost knocking you in the chin when you jump around." "Once we get inside, we might wanna stop at one of the souvenir stands to get you a shirt to wear over it," Court said, "or this entire place is gonna see your boobs spill out!" Not realizing the spectacle she just gave everyone to see, Tiff blushed and threw her arms across her chest. "Oh God, I would die...seriously, I would die right then and there! I should've know better than to wear this whole getup! Y'all did this on purpose!!," Tiffany scolded them and as she peered toward them through squinted eyes and shaking her finger. "Hey, we wanted something that would catch the eye of James Hetfield, and I think we found it! If that man can't pick you out of a crowd, he must be blind!" Claire stated matter-of-factly. Tiff rolled her eyes, "Okay, let's get in there and get me a shirt before I embarrass myself even more." "Nuh uh," Claire grabbed Tiff's hand and started pulling her to follow, Court laughing as she nudged her from behind, as she started making her way down the ramp to the bus, "I bet the man you're dying to see is down here on this bus!" Tiffany stopped and pulled her hand away."So what if he is, I'm not a groupie, and I'm not looking to perform whatever kind of sexual act it is that I'm sure all of those groupies are willing to do," Tiff blurted out, chastising both of them for acting like she would be a willing participant in doing acts of that nature. "Besides, we are here to see the concert, and we've got backstage passes. We will enjoy the show and get to meet the band. I swear, both of your minds stay in the fucking gutter! Now come on, let's go get my shirt, find our seats before this placed is packed, and then we will see if we get to go backstage before the show or after." Courtney and Claire huffed, but started following her back down the hill to the main entrance.


"Alright guys, in a few minutes, we will clear out these groupies and tag alongs outside the bus, and get you inside to do your pre show routines before more fans start sneaking down here. All of your personal shit has already set up inside for you. All snacks and beverages have been set up as well. Once you get inside and settled, one of the roadies will bring around menus for each of you to choose what you want to eat after the show," management announced.

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