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They made their way back to the truck being silly the whole way. With the stuff loaded in the back, James shut the gate. He started to walk to the passenger side when he heard, "Hey Mr. H!," causing him to turn around as she jingled the keys before tossing them his way. He caught them and gave her a surprised look. "Thought you'd wanna give her a spin seeing as how you've been drooling since the minute you laid eyes on her. Please be careful though, she's got a LOT of sentimental value. You wreck her, you pay to fix her. Not to mention the ass whooping I'll hand to you real quick!" James chuckled as he looked at her and then to the keys. "I'll treat her real nice. I know she'll respond good under my touch, just like you." Tiffany blushed as she caught his stare, "Well then, what are you waiting for?" They climbed in with James at the wheel.

He turned the key and put it in gear. But before he was able to pull off, Tiff grabbed his arm to stop him. "Oh my God!!! I almost forgot! You're a dirty little bird!! I heard what you said this morning as you woke up!", she said as she gave him a sly smirk and playfully slapped at his thigh. James laughed hysterically knowing exactly what he had said, "Yes I am, and I ain't taking it back! You know what you do to me!," as he pointed at his bulge pushing against his jeans. With the remote to the radio in his hand, he wanted to pick some tunes. He switched the CD and 'Whiplash' began to play, he looked at her to smirk as he switched it again. Now it was ZZ Top, and he left it there with 'Tush' coming through the speakers. Laughing at the song playing, he pulled out heavy on the gas. God I'm am looking for some tush, and the only one I want is sitting right beside me. He reached to rest his hand on her thigh, caressing her skin and giving it a gentle squeeze. Once again, her face was red as she couldn't help but stare at the man that oozed pure sex behind the wheel. She wanted him bad.

They cruised the curvy road enjoying each others company. They sang and laughed while tiff told him which turns to take to get them back to the city. They reached a red light before the busy part of town and had to stop. James looked over and gave her a shit-eating grin as he revved the engine. She knew what he wanted and gave the nod. The light turned green and he gassed it, squealing the tires and getting little squirrelly. They both laughed as he kept on the gas. "Damnit! I think I love her! She handles so fucking good!," he yelled out over the roar of the engine and started to laugh until he saw her face. Just looking at him so sweetly, but there was something else hiding behind her eyes and he was feeling it too. He wanted her wrapped up in his arms. It didn't matter if she was clothed or not, he just needed her body against his, even though he desired the latter. As he let out of the throttle, and eyes back on the road he asked, "Is there anywhere else you wanna go?" She didn't have to think, "No, not unless you had something in mind." There's was only one thing he could think of, "Well I'm fine with going back to the room if you are. You haven't changed your mind have you? I thought we could be lazy and watch a movie if you'd like." Tiffany laughed, "The last time we were supposedly gonna watch a movie, know how that ended!" "No, we will watch a movie. The whole thing, not just the first few minutes. After that, well...that's up to you. I'm not pressuring you to do anything. Yeah I want that, but the ball's in your court.," James said with a serious face. "But I would like your body laying next to mine whether you are naked or not." She let out a deep breath, "That sounds good to me."

They got back to the hotel, and James was getting her suitcases out of the back. She got her roses and earring, and they made their way up to the room. Once inside, James looked at her curiously, "How much fucking clothes do you have? Good God that shit is heavy!" Tiff was putting her earring in her ear and laughed as he arranged her cases along the wall, "Well the big black one is clothes, the big silver one is shoes and a few purses. The brown leather overnight bag is toiletries and the black leather one is undergarments.," she let the last part come out as almost a whisper. James' interest peaked as he quickly went for the black leather bag, acting like he was gonna open it. She swatted him away, not wanting him to see her panties and bras. "I'm just playing! I'd rather see you wearing them, modeling each and every piece for me to enjoy the view." His comment didn't embarrass her, it made her want him more.

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