Twenty Three

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James made his way to the bedroom as he heard her sitting the plates back on the cart and taking it out to the hall. He brushed his teeth and stripped out of his pants to crawl into bed, reaching over to turn the other side of the sheets down for her. Tiff was trying to clear her head as she was turning off all the lights in the living area before making her way to the bedroom. Looking through the double doors, she saw him laying there, already dozed off. He's as hell just laying there...he looks so peaceful and sweet at the same time...She felt the corners of her mouth curling up a little as she stood staring at him. Not wanting to wake him by crawling in bed, she tiptoed to bathroom to grab her toothbrush and toothpaste, cutting the bedside lamp off and back out of the room. She quietly closed the bedroom doors behind her and went to other bathroom to brush her teeth. Using the soap that was provided, she washed her face. She had told him a little white lie, she wasn't sleepy, but she knew he was and wanted him to rest. Walking out of the bathroom, she glanced to the side, seeing the large bags full of Metallica gear that he had gifted her and one of them had what looked to be a dry cleaning bag on top of it. She padded across the room to see what it was and saw it was her outfit from the night before. She reached in and pulled out the top, not only had it been dry cleaned, but repaired as well. That sweet but sneaky little devil, how'd he manage to get this done so quickly?

Since she wasn't sleepy, Tiff decided to go though all the merchandise bags. She hadn't noticed exactly how many there were until now as she counted. As she got to the last bag she noticed it was different from the others, it wasn't plastic but made of thick cotton and bigger with a zippered closure on top. Hmm I don't remember seeing that one last night... "Good Lord, seven bags of Metallica stuff?! Holy shit!! What's all in here?!," she whispered as she sat down on the floor cross-legged and started pulling items out of the first bag. It was packed full of short sleeved shirts. She was like a kid on Christmas morning as she pulled out each one, trying not to squeal in excitement at his generosity and kindness. They're the right size too! She hurriedly dumped out the second bag and it contained all the same shirts, but these were long sleeved. Oh my word!! He wasn't joking when he said one of every shirt!! Dumping out the next two bags, she found they were all hoodies. Eeeeeek!!! This is amazing...can't believe he's given me all this...She continued to the next one finding sweatpants, ball caps, and a lightweight jacket and she let out a tiny squeal of a sound, still trying keep quiet. Tiff took a deep breath as she looked around her at all the gear scattered in the floor, deciding to fold it all back up and get everything back in the bags. She was starting to get sleepy and decided to open the remaining two bags tomorrow, but wanted to at least tidy up before she went to bed.

Realizing he didn't feel the warmth of her body next to him, James rolled over still half asleep to reach for her finding she wasn't there. He opened his eyes and looked toward the bathroom, but the light was off. It was complete darkness in the room and the doors were closed. Oh no...she left... He quickly got up and to go search the living area and dining room.  Upon opening the doors of the bedroom, he saw all the lights were out except the one on the other end of the suite near in the entryway. He called out her name, almost involuntarily, hoping with all his heart that she would answer him. Tiff heard him and crawled over to the doorway to peek around the wall, "Hey, I'm sorry, Did I wake you up?" James let out a deep breath, thankful she was still there and made his way to her. "Baby what are you doing down there? I thought you were coming to bed.," he asked as he got to her and knelt down to where she was sitting in the floor. Seeing that she was going through all merch with a massive grin on her face, he gave her a sleepy smile. "I was, but when I got in there you were already asleep. You looked so peaceful laying there, I was afraid I'd wake you up by crawling into bed. I wanted you to get some rest. I figured I'd go through all this stuff you gave me. James, this is way too much and I still have two bags I haven't opened yet!," she said looking into his piercing eyes. He snickered at her comment, "No, it's not too much. I want you to have it. You can go through the rest tomorrow. Please come to bed with me.," he begged but didn't give her time to respond as he lifted her up into his arms. She buried her face into his chest as he held her firmly, loving the way his naked body felt against her. Tiff pulled back reaching for his hand, and led him back to the bedroom.

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