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This is my first attempt at writing. As I began, my head was filled with so many ideas, that I forgot to put the year this begins. There's also a few things I wish I had added prior to now, but I don't want to have to go back and edit. Instead, I will gradually add them as flashbacks throughout the story.
So just to clarify:
I do not own the rights to any name or likeness of those mentioned in this story. It is 100% fiction. I chose not to adhere to matching actual dates of events perfectly to coincide with this story line. Yes James and Francesca are married. However the timeline of the Metallica tours, J & F's marriage, birth of their children, and divorce are highly altered. It is my fanfic and I'm just rolling with it. Apologies in advance if anyone is bothered by the lack of adherence to the actual timeline of events vs. the timeline in this story. Also, this is for a mature reader. The will be lots of highly detailed and smutty sex. If that is offensive or a trigger for you, now is your time to turn back.

***The story begins in April 1999 while Metallica is on its last leg of a North American tour***


With a beep of the walkie, Kevin informed his boss that the ladies were in the requested spot, but there was a slight problem. "Kevin, we don't have time for a problem! I needed that blonde 10 minutes ago damnit!", Gio demanded, "Meet me in the corridor by the dressing rooms now please!" Kevin walked back across the room to the ladies seated on a couch and excused himself after assuring them he would be back in there in just a few minutes, for them just to sit tight. He hurriedly left the large room and was in the corridor before Gio had time to get up to him. "What's the fucking problem, are they teenagers or something? If so, call the whole thing off and send them back to take their seats in the crowd." Kevin was already sensing that one of the females was the direct request of one of the band members and was nervous, but didn't show it. "The blonde wanted to buy a tshirt upstairs because she feels underdressed, but I told her I could do better than that and brought her down as fast as I could sir." Gio huffed and rolled his eyes, "a T-shirt isn't a fucking problem Kevin, there's boxes of them down here." "N..N..No sir, that's not all, they've got laminates too. All access, don't know where they got them. They already had them waiting in line.", Kevin stammered out. Shaking his head, knowing those kind of laminates are from the local radio station, Gio explained, "Kev those aren't like our special access passes that we give to selected women to join the band members in their dressing rooms or on the bus. It's just the meet and greet bullshit ones, you know that!" "I'm sorry sir, I guess I got so wrapped up in trying to get them down here that I became a dumbass for a moment. Hell not to mention, the blonde is enough to make a man turn into a drooling idiot just from glancing at her!" Kevin knew he fucked up and continued to apologize. "Dude it's okay," he slapped Kevin on the back. "Thanks again man, Gio smiled, I owe you one for this! I'll take it from here. Go back to the main gate and I'll see you after the show." Nodding his head, Kevin did as he was told and headed back to his assigned post.

Lars heard a rapid knock on his dressing room door, "Who the fuck is it and what the fuck do you want?"
"Hey, it's Gio, open up." Lars opened the door motioning for him to enter. "Hey can you be a wingman for a bit?" Gio desperately asked. "Who for and why?" Lars gave a sly wicked smile, knowing this was part of someone's scheming to separate some female friends so a band mate could have one to himself. "It's for James damnit and I don't have time to explain or play games about it. He wants her in his room now!!!" Lars snickered and agreed, "okay, come on and let's get it over with...are they ugly or something?" Giving him a massive side eye, Gio responded, "no Lars, you yourself even said the ladies were hot as fuck, so let's go!" His eyes widened as he remembered, "ohhhh the babes from the top of the hill earlier! Let me guess Hetfield wants the blonde!" Gio dragging him by the arm in a hurry snapped at him, "yes damnit, now come on!"

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