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James awoke hearing the rain had stopped, but hadn't opened his eyes. That is until he felt a warm silky leg and arm entangled with him. He instantly developed a smile, lifting his heavy eyelids to peek down at her face upon his chest and realized this was the first time he'd woke up to her still asleep.

I'm one lucky fucker. God she's beautiful...everything about her...inside and out.

He watched her sleep a few more minutes and then couldn't help but give a slight squeeze as his arms wrapped around her tighter. Tiff grew a little sleepy smirk as she gently let her hand travel across his stomach while burying her face into the side of his chest.

With one hand resting on her back, his other began to lightly tickle the skin of her hip and thigh. Her lips grew into a full blown smile before she let a few giggles escape.

"It's nice to wake up with you beside me. Actually, it's more than nice. Seeing and feeling you next to me and watching you sleep...I fucking love it," James mumbled out on the top of her head as he let his fingertips trace up and down her thigh.

"Mmhmm, it's very nice. I'm all wrapped up in your long arms and legs. Your body is so warm and comforting. I could stay like that for days." She croaked out, her voice still groggy from slumber as she sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Where you going? C'mon, lay back down," James snickered out as he pulled her back, shifting his weight to trap her underneath him while showering her shoulders and neck with feathery kisses.

Tiffany smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "I've gotta get up sugar. I'm sure my breath is heinous and I fell asleep without tidying myself up. I'm gonna go shower." She kissed his neck before he leaned back so she get up and make her way to the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth and taking a quick run through the shower, she finished up and made her way back out to that fine specimen of a man in the bed to find he'd drifted back off to sleep. She stood for a moment just soaking up the sight. He lay there naked with just the sheet barely covering his manhood and one bare leg stuck out. His face so peaceful. Those soft lips barely parted. His eyelashes laying softly on the tops of his cheeks. His left hand resting on his stomach. That's where her eyes froze, she remembered hearing of that horrible pyrotechnic accident that burned him so badly.

She quietly made her way closer to sit at his side, carefully taking his left hand into hers. As he peeped through his sleepy eyes, James watched her place the back of his hand to her lips, placing gentle kisses all along and down to his fingertips. "I'm so sorry that happened, I can't imagine the pain you felt."

He gave a sweet smile as he used that very hand to cup her face, using his thumb to brush lightly across her cheek. "Yeah it was fucking intense pain for sure, but it healed and thankfully I didn't lose any function or my ability to play." He paused and thought a minute, but decided to continue. "I'm really sorry this happened," he said while motioning to her back, "I can't image the pain and also trauma you felt and still do."

Tiff closed her eyes and leaned her face into his palm as she fought back the tears. I'm gonna have to tell him sooner or later. She pulled his hand down, kissing it once more before standing to go put some clothes on.

James gently pulled her back down to sit as he sat up at her side. "I don't know what all he did, but I swear to you that I would never in a million years hurt you in any way. Tiffany, do you feel safe with me?"

She nodded, "I know I'm safe with you, and I know you'd never do anything to hurt me."

"Well, you remember how I told you I was holding back cause I didn't want to hurt you? Like holding back sexually?" Tiff felt her cheeks flush as she looked his way and nodded once more. "Well I'm still holding back. I felt you flinch when I came up behind you in the bathroom and I have a feeling it may have something to do with what he did. I don't want anything I do to scare you or send you running for the hills."

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