Twenty Four

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Tiffany woke up to the feel of James fingertips lightly twitching and tapping on her hip. She opened her eyes a little to find he was still sleeping soundly. I guess he plays in his sleep too. She lifted her head to look at the bedside clock to see it was almost 5:00 am. She realized she hadn't worked out for a few days topped off with eating junk and drinking more than usual. Laying there for a few more minutes to soak up the feeling of his body against hers, she eventually decided to try and get up without waking him. Tiff slowly and carefully pulled away and was able to get up without him noticing. She stood at the bedside taking in the view of his perfect face. James's stage presence was rough and raw, but now he looked so sweet and gentle. She'd always loved Metallica and his persona as the frontman of the top metal band in the world, but Tiffany preferred this side of him. The real James. Snap out of it...get it together and start the day.

Using her best church mouse moves, she picked up the scattered clothes on the floor to place them in the dirty laundry basket. Tiptoeing to the suitcases she started to search for some workout clothes and sneakers, looking over her shoulder every few seconds to make sure she wasn't disturbing his sleep. Taking whatever she could find quickest, she found some Soffe shorts and a CCR shirt before grabbing a sports bra, underwear, socks and shoes. She looked back one more time to ensure James was still in sound slumber before heading out to go get dressed in the other bathroom. Even though she was all the way across the suite, she was still in stealth mode trying to be as quiet as possible while getting ready. She was thankful to find she'd left her toothbrush and toothpaste in there, but had forgot to grab deodorant. Luckily there was a tiny one on the counter provided by the hotel. She hit her pits with it, praying it was decent quality, washed her face, and brushed her teeth. As she was sitting in the floor getting her shoes tied, she looked up to see her purse on the entryway table. "Thank God," she said under her breath not wanting to have to go back and search through the bedroom. She got up and grabbed it to get her cell, some cash, and her keys to hurry and get going. Tiff had her hand on the door about to leave when she realized she might want to leave him a note in case he woke up while she was gone. She remembered there was a yellow legal pad on the coffee table she saw he'd been scribbling in. Creeping to the living area to get it, she then went to the dining room table to sit, flipping to an empty page to jot down a quick note.

Gone to the gym.
I'll grab us some breakfast when I'm done.

Be back soon,

She didn't want to make noise by ripping the page out, so she silently took the notepad to the bedroom and carefully laid it on the bed beside him. She stood still again taking in the view of the man laying before her and felt that wild whipping wind beating against her chest. Oh my...this man is gonna rip my heart out and stomp on it, I know it...but I'm gonna enjoy every second with him until he does...Tiff snuck back out, grabbed the items from her purse, and quietly closed the door behind her. She didn't have to wait long for the elevator and took it to the main floor. Once there, she looked around for the gym but didn't see it. Just then uniformed lady walked up to her, "Can I help you find something?," she asked. "Yes ma'am, I was looking for the workout room, could you point me in that direction please?," tiff asked the older lady wearing a kind smile. "Yes dear, it's down on the second hallway to the right. It's not open yet, but I'll go unlock it for you.," she replied with a smile. Tiffany was thankful for her kindness and returned the simple gesture and followed the lady down the hall to the gym. The worker unlocked the door and turned all the lights on motioning tiff to follow her. "The stereo controls are mounted on the wall over there and the showers are in the back with towels and needed amenities. Since it's so early, there probably won't be anyone down here for a while so you'll have it to yourself dear.," the lady informed her.  Tiff nodded, "Thank you Miss..," she stopped, looking for her name badge. The lady fumbled in her pocket, bringing out the metal tag she hadn't attached to her top yet, "My apologies, I just arrived for my shift. My name is Lorraine, please feel free to ask for me at the desk if I can help you with anything.," she replied with a gentle smile as she made her way to the door. "Thank you again," Tiffany replied.

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