Twenty One

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James was placing his rings on the nightstand as he was fighting his thoughts. He wanted so badly to make love to her, but didn't want to rush her. Trying to talk himself out of his lust driven state, he was taking deep breaths to try and clear his head. He was about to turn to go back to the couch when he smelled her perfume and froze, he knew she was in the room. Tiff walked up behind him and snaked her arms around his waist. He welcomed her by caressing her arms with his, then turning to face her and pulling her close to his body as they gazed at each other. She couldn't resist any longer and he saw it in her eyes. She reached up to the back of his neck while standing on her tiptoes to draw him down so her mouth could take his. As he bent to kiss her gently, her free hand moved from his back to reach under his shirt to his lower stomach. James muscles clenched under her soft warm hand as she lightly brushed her fingertips across his skin and up to his chest. He was trying to keep his hands on her back, but failed as one moved to her ass to squeeze before resting on her hip with a firm grip. James was attempting to keep his kisses gentle, but her hand was making him want more. It was taking all of his inner strength to refrain from throwing her down on the bed and fucking her like a wild animal. He pulled away just enough to whisper at her lips, "are you sure you want this? I mean, you know I want this bad, but I want to know that you are 100% sure before we go any further. I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything. I'll stop at anytime, you just have to tell me. This is a big decis..." Tiff placed her finger to his lips to stop him. "James, I want you. I want your mouth and hands all over me and I don't want you to stop. I want to feel you inside of me." That's all he needed to hear as he took his mouth to kiss hers again.

She was teasing his lips with her tongue and he opened his mouth to take her with passion. Their tongues danced together as they held each other tight. He pulled away long enough to pull his shirt over his head and took his mouth back to her neck with eager sucks and nibbles. Tiffany mewled as she could feel herself getting wet for him and she reached to pull her shirt up. James stopped her hands, "let me do it," he pleaded. She raised her arms up, giving him the signal. He pulled the tank over her head and his hands went to her firm round breasts. He was gentle at first, then began to squeeze and message with more need over the delicate lace as his tongue was in heaven inside her mouth. Tiffany undid her bra and let it fall to the floor. She moaned in pleasure as he went for her nipples to give the attention she craved. Her head slowly fell back and she let out a quivery sigh and moan, as he took his mouth to one with gentle sucking before tenderly pulling it with his teeth. "James...I can't stay standing while you do that," she let out while her breathing was getting heavier and knees getting weak. With her hands at his waist, she went to her knees and slowly pulled his sweats down to free his member. Keeping her eyes locked to his, she began to stroke his girth, but avoided his tip. James shuddered at the sensation mixed with her eyes piercing his. With her free hand resting upon his thigh, Tiffany placed light kisses down the underside of his shaft making her way to his balls, where she gave light tickling licks. James' hands moved to tangle in her hair as his head fell back, "oh....yeah, that feels so g..good," he moaned out in pleasure through gritting teeth. She took some of his sack into her mouth and began to gently caress the skin with her tongue. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as she knew how. She moved her attention back to his shaft, leaving sloppy kisses along the sides before making her way toward his throbbing tip. She saw his precum and looked up into his eyes, dark with passion. Without looking away, she extended her tongue to his tiny slit and lapped up his leaking fluid.  "Mmmm," she moaned as she felt herself getting more aroused at his taste and feeling him tremble. "Please...stop teasing me," James begged with need in his gaze as one hand caressed her face and the other running through her hair. She gave a sultry smile and enclosed her mouth around his engorged head, giving it a firm suck while twirling her tongue around the rim. He could've came in her mouth that instant, but held back. He wanted to enjoy more, and he saw she enjoyed doing it. That's what he wanted to make this all about...her enjoyment and pleasure.

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