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"Boy you sure have quite the different view on that subject for a girl your age. I'd think you were still searching for that fairytale ending kinda thing." Tiff was now done eating and sat back in her chair. She didn't take a second to orchestrate a response before letting it flow out without sugarcoating, "Number one, Mr H., I've yet to tell you my age. Number two, fairytales ain't real. Merely glorified figments of someone's imagination that life is always a perfect little rose garden. And we all know that's a crock of shit. There's no such fucking thing as a fairytale." Tiff's initial sassiness made him smirk, but the latter part of her statement made him a little sad for her.

Damn thats kinda fucked up...she's young and I thought all young women had the hope of a fairytale...perfect husband, home, kids...yeah there's no such thing, but there must've been a someone or something to break her heart for her to feel that way.

She realized the bluntness of her words before James even had the chance to think of how to reply, "Oh God, I'm so sorry," she let out a small giggle, "That came out a smidge too bold!" James chuckled, appreciating her honesty and surprised at her sassiness that was taken up a few notches, noticing the curse words. He liked how they sounded coming out of her mouth with a little drawl. "Well then, how old are you," he inquired, waiting on some form of smartass answer. "I'll be 21 in August," she explained matter of factly. "So here I am, providing you with alcohol, and you can't even buy it yet," he laughed as he thought he was the smartass now trying to beat her at the game she was so good at. She smirked before delivering her retort, "Well, I'm sure it ain't the first time you've provided alcohol to a female that was just under 21, now is it? I bet over the last 15 years you've supplied an obscene amount of beer and liquor for pretty little tarts who batted their eyelashes and sweet talked you with promises of naughty behavior later in the evening." She decided to throw some playfulness in, "Oh James, you're so sexy, please let me come backstage with you, you won't be disappointed!," she performed in a high pitched voice while pretending to paw at him across the table. He chuckled at her mockery of the thousands of women over the years who had done the exact thing she was describing. There was truth to her assumption, and it still stung him a little. "I'm not proud of my actions, but yeah, there's never been a shortage of alcohol around me, and there's always been the groupies and female fans who made their desires very clear." He didn't look up from his plate as he finished off the last remaining morsels.

"You on the other hand, are quite the opposite. And I think I've already mentioned, I really like it. You draw me in toward you more with each passing minute." Her eyes were glued to him and his sexy face as he wiped his mouth before leaning back in the chair to stretch out. She couldn't help but let her eyes fall down to gaze over the top half, wishing he was shirtless. Forcing herself out of the stare, she added, "Oh, and I buy beer all the time. I have a fake ID that is very well done." James wasn't surprised at her resourcefulness and gave a chuckle, "I'm certain if it's a man behind the counter, he can't even think to ask for it. He's probably wrapped up in your spell, just like me." Her face flushing at his words, she looked down at her wringing hands just under the table. His charm was getting to her again, "Well, now that you've got your belly full, I'm sure you're ready to get a shower and some rest." He jerked a little at her statement, "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry! I was so hungry that I forgot all about you wanting to shower! I'm pretty sure they already set my stuff out in the bathroom. Come on, and I'll show you where everything is," he instructed as he stood and motioned for her to follow him. "No, It's really okay," she said with an understanding smile, "I know you're tired and ready to get settled in for the night. Think I'm gonna head home. Thank you so much for everything. You've been more than kind and generous. The concert was fabulous, something I'll never forget. I truly am pleased to have met you, and privileged for you to have shared your time with me, allowing me to get to know you a bit." She stood and pushed her chair in.

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