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He slowly walked back toward her, like a predator stalking his prey, not knowing if he would be able to keep his hands to himself. Tiff had already got herself another beer and was sipping it. They were both shyly smiling when he sat sideways facing her, one leg layed up on the cushion with his foot tucked under the knee of the opposite leg he left relaxing down to the floor. Put his arms behind his head, so his hands weren't so close to her, and leaned back on the fluffy throw pillows. He sat in this striking pose gazing at her with a crooked grin. "You know, I have excellent hearing Mr. Hetfield," she sassed at him, "If you were trying to be discreet, you failed miserably." She was able to hold a serious look for a few more moments, making him red with embarrassment, then she let out a laugh so big and contagious, tears had begun to roll down her face. He couldn't believe she got him so good with her playful seriousness, then he too was bent at the waist belly laughing along with her. Once they finally caught their breath, he looked into her ocean blue eyes, "my, my, my,...playful and sassy too on top of everything else? Tiffany, baby, I'm now putty in your hands, do with me as you wish!" He whimpered as he sprawled out on the couch, playing like a wounded animal free for the taking, as if he was helpless to her charm. The familiar flush rose to her face and she looked down to her hands. At the same time, his hand was slowly coming towards her knee. Upon his touch, she felt the warmth of his fingertips that sent chills up her spine. Her core and insides pulled tight and warm. Desperate for courage, she hurriedly finished the rest of her beer. "Whoa, slow down! I can't have you getting drunk and trying to take advantage of me!", he teased. "Listen here Mr. Hetfield, I promise you, I can hold my own when it comes to beer drinking," she taunted back at him, "even with the likes of you and your wicked little ways." Tiffany was now flashing a smile that was enough to bring him to his knees, and he knew it. It made him want her all the more.

He decided it was best to switch to some small talk to take his mind off of what and how he wanted to do it to her body. The last thing he wanted was for her to think he was a creep, get scared, and leave for him never to see again. He was having to fight like hell to keep from stripping that leather off of her and fucking her senseless. But the truth of the matter was, he actually liked her too. Really liked her. Not just for her paralyzing beauty, but every single thing about her. He was drawn to her like the two of them were the only objects within the most powerful magnetic field known to man.

"So, you from Knoxville?", he asked as he opened each of them another beer. He handed her the icy bottle and she accepted with a nod and a sweet smile. "No, I'm a student here at UTK, about to start my last two semesters in the fall, then graduate in the spring. I haven't decided where I will work yet...if I'll end up staying here or move to another city. Depends on the hospital, it's location, and department that peaks my interest with the best offer. I'm from Franklin, TN, just outside of Nashville," she explained. "Hospital? You a nurse or something?", he questioned. She let out a small laugh, "Not yet, but I'll be a registered nurse come next April. It's been three years of college life so far, with one more to go. I'm ready for it to be over. Most people my age glamorize the whole college lifestyle and living on campus, but it's not my cup of tea. The constant crowds, everyone rushing here and there, incessant noise of partying throughout the nights. I won't even get started at the complete lack of privacy! Just a necessary evil to deal with I guess." He could listen to her talk to him for hours. It was relaxing and comforting having someone speak to him like he was just a regular everyday man. Something else for him to be more drawn to her.

He thought to himself for a moment...okay..she's three years into college, so that makes her 21...I'll be 36 in a few months...fuck that's big age difference..surely she knows how old I am...that I'm married...even though we are separated...with two know what, if she's willing to hop down the rabbit hole, I'll definitely go with her.
Wait, what the fuck am I thinking?! This woman barely knows me...she has no desire to fuck or blow me...much less start jumping into rabbit holes...I'm sure she's just being nice and polite since I'm the one that wanted to meet her...fuck she's already wrecking my brain and I haven't even know her for a damn hour. I'm fucked.

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