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Lightning Crashes

"Are you kidding me, Kaitlyn!? After everything... This is how you treat me? What about us? What about our daughter!"

The little girl was awoken in the middle of the night to a commotion coming from the living room downstairs, hearing the sound of a glass shattering followed by the screams of her parents. She saw lightning flashing outside her window followed by the loud booming of thunder, causing her to squeal and cry in fear

The little girl finally mustered up the courage to come out from under her covers and grabbed her stuffed animal for comfort before slowly making her way to the stairs and creeping downstairs, making sure to stay silent on the creaky steps

"You're never here, Aaron!"

"That's not an excuse for what you did!" He yelled back

"Do you seriously expect her to grow up asking if you'll return home safe!? She shouldn't have to worry if her dad will come back home alive and neither should I" The woman yelled angrily through tears

"At least I was there for her!" Aaron yelled back "This family means everything to me. I'm not the one who threw it away by sleeping with my co-worker!"

"I told you it was an accident. I-I was drunk and...and you're never here" She argued

"And you seriously think that's a good excuse!-" He yelled back

"Daddy?" The little girl whined, rubbing her teary eyes, still shaking from the noise of the fight and the growing storm outside

"Now look! You woke her up! Now I have to take her upstairs and get her to shut up" Her mother yelled, slowly approaching her daughter. However, the girl shoved past her and rushed at her dad, leaving her mother in shock

"Daddy! W-Where are you going?" The young girl cried, pulling at the bottom of his shirt

"Daddy has to go, Dove. I'm not sure how long it will be but I promise I'll call you every night, okay?" He said softly, stroking her head

"I don't want you to go!" She screamed in protest

"Dove, I have to go. But how does this sound...Let's watch a movie until you fall asleep to forget about this silly storm. It's just thunder, it could never hurt you"

"I want you out of this house by sunrise" her mother spat before storming off towards her bedroom.

The young girl had managed to calm down as her father picked her up and took her back upstairs to her bedroom before tucking her back into bed, laying down beside her as he put on her favorite movie. A nice classic. The lion king.

"I love you my little dove" The man smiled as he kissed the top of her bed

"I love you too daddy!"

By the end of the movie the young girl had fallen fast asleep and her father would kiss her head for the last time before packing his bags and leaving their house.

It was the last time Irene would see her father. At least for a good few years.

It only took her mother a few months to begin dating someone new and within two years they ended up becoming married and moving in together, including Irene's new step-sister, Nida. Although it never felt like a family to Irene. Not except Nida

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now