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School was over and the sun had already set in the sky, meaning the streets were dark, being poorly lit by the streetlamps. Irene decided to walk home and get some fresh air after studying late in the library. As she was approaching the gas station a black car pulled up beside her and the door opened. She hesitated before getting in the familiar car

"Derek, what are you doing here?"

"I need gas and I saw you walking alone, let me give you a lift. The streets aren't safe, you know"

"Well I'm already in the car" She mumbled as Derek looked closely at her face "What happened to your face?"

"Nothing...I tripped" She mumbled, fiddling with the sleeve of her loose hoodie. For the next few days she wore long clothes to try and cover the other bruises so nobody would see how bad it truly was.

"You can't lie to me, Irene. What happened?"

"I uhm...it's nothing really.." She whispered, trying to hide the tears in her eyes by looking away

Derek slowly reached forwards and turned her chin to face him, looking at her with soft eyes, he looked at her busted lip and bruises face with a more serious yet still worried expression

"Who did this to you?" This time his tone was more serious

"My stepdad...they were here for the weekend and...well this happened"

"I'm sorry"

"Can we just hurry up so I can go home..."

Derek nodded and continued to drive to the Gas station. Irene stepped out of the car and was just about to open the door of the gas station when Derek gently grabbed her wrist, pulling her behind him in a protective way as he, too, stepped back, keeping his hand around her wrist, looking at the doors in an uneasy manner

"What now? Is everything ok?" Irene whispered to him. She hadn't even realized she was whispering until she finished speaking

"Shhh! Something is wrong" He whispered back

Derek hesitated before slowly opening the doors. One of the lights was flickering at the end of the station and they could see at the end of the building they saw a small pool of dark liquid. It looked like blood and it looked like someone was dragged through it because of the marks that continued behind some aisle shelves.

Irene decided to investigate in case somebody was hurt. And for all she knew it could be Mike or Jayden. She shoved past Derek and ran inside

"Mike? Jayden?"

"Irene, wait!" He yelled as she slipped through his grip.

At the end of the gas station there was a body of a woman in the pool of her own blood. Irene gagged at the sight but hesitated as she slowly moved the hair out of her face before letting out a ground shaking scream that felt as if it would burn a hole through her throat

"No, no, no, no, no! Nida! Wake up! Please...Nida. Nida please wake up! Please" She cried, shaking her sister's body before pulling her into her lap, tightly embracing the lifeless body as tears streaming down her face

Something inside Irene just broke at the sight of her step-sister's dead body. The thing she least expected was for Derek to put a comforting hand on her shoulder as he stood beside her

"I'm sorry" He said softly

"How could this happen! She was all I had, I have nothing..."She said through her tears and rapid breaths. Derek crouched beside her and pulled her into his chest, rubbing her back as she clung onto his arm, sobbing into his chest "Why? Why her!?"

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now