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"Morning Isaac" Irene smiled at the boy as she got up, walking over to where he was. She noticed he was already dressed and looked at Derek "I'm going to school with Isaac!"

"Be careful." He said as he was walking over to the two teenagers

"We will" She rolled her eyes

"Don't forget what you are supposed to do"

"We won't," Isaac said with a smirk, holding up a small glass vial with a strange liquid in it.

Irene was somewhat caught up to the whole situation with Lydia on the way to school. Derek believed it was her but there was only one way to test it out. Something about a snake not being able to be poisoned by its own venom so if Lydia didn't react to the Kanima venom then it's her. Irene was desperately hoping that wasn't the case because it would mean her friend was a killer. They finally got to school and Irene opened up her locker, putting her books inside

"Lighten up" Isaac light tapped her arm

"I'm not used to this, do I look weird?" She said, looking down at herself. She wasn't used to wearing tight shirts and leather jackets. Isaac smirked, folding his arms and leaning against the locker beside hers as he looked her up and down

"You look hot" He replied with a smirk

"You're right, Isaac. Thanks" She smiled back, closing her locker and fixing her hair, letting it down

"Aren't I always?" He teased with a smirk. She rolled her eyes as she lightly hit his chest before walking down the hallway with him and Erica, earning many looks of admiration from all the students.

They ended up walking past Jackson and Erica shook her bracelet by Jackson's ear to get his attention before looking at Isaac and Irene with a smirk

"So Derek wants this done during chemistry?" Erica said

"If it's Lydia, I'm gonna kill that bitch."

"We have to test her first, Isaac," Irene said as she looked up at him. He looked down at her with a smirk which honestly made her heart race a little and it gave her a weird feeling in her stomach

"Kanima" He said

Suddenly the bell rang for students to get to class. Isaac wrapped his arm around Irene as they walked to their class as Erica had a different one. That class went by rather fast, half the time Irene was making notes and ignoring everything else

After class they met up with Erica and made their way to chemistry. When they got into the classroom they noticed Lydia sitting at the front and Scott and Stiles looking between them and the girl. As they began to walk towards the girl Scott and Stiles rushed to sit beside her. Irene sighed and pulled up a stool beside Isaac, leaning onto the desk.

"Einstein once said "Two things are infinite : the universe and human stupidity", now I'm not sure about the universe, but I, myself, have encountered infinite stupidity here" Mr Harris said as he tapped his hand on Stiles' shoulder "So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are better than one, or in Mr Stilinski's case, less than one."

Irene noticed a few small laughs from the students and found herself smiling. She leaned back so her back was straight and looked towards the teacher

"Erica, take the first station. You'll start with..." He started but before he could even say who all the students raised their hands to volunteer to side beside her. Irene smiled and looked at Erica who was smirking "I didn't ask for volunteers, put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr McCall"

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now