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The next day at school the teacher was handing out the marked tests they took the other day back to everyone. Irene let out a sigh of relief as she received an A. She had begun to study a lot more to get higher grades in school and it was clearly paying off judging from her grade.

She looked to her side at Stiles and noticed he got an A as well, giving him a quick high five. She looked at Scott who sat in front of him and who was holding a test with the grade D- on it.

"Dude you need to study more" Stiles said, making Scott hide the paper on his desk "Ok that was a joke but seriously. Do you need help studying?"

"No. I'm studying studying with Allison after school today"

"That's my boy," Stiles said with a slight proud smirk. Irene rolled her eyes and hit the back of his head

"No, Stiles, no! You are not corrupting this innocent puppy"

"We're just studying" Scott said

"Uh, no you're not"

"No, I'm not?" he repeated in confusion

"He's not?" She asked, being just as confused as Scott was

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to god I'll have you de-balled"

"Okay...just, stop with the questions man"

"Ok. Done. No more questions. No more talk about the alpha or Derek, especially Derek...who still scares me"

"Pfft, he scares you?" She asked him

"Have you seen the guy?"

"Yeah. He's kinda hot..." She mumbled which made Scott and Stiles look at her in disbelief. She gave an awkward smile before turning back to her notebook "anyways.."

The class proceeded to go on until the bell rang. Irene could not be more thrilled, she quickly packed up her stuff and rushed out of the building with Stiles, heading towards his jeep. But before he could even leave the parking lot, someone stepped in front of the car, making Stiles slam the foot break

"Oh my god. You gotta be kidding me, this guy is everywhere"

"Jesus, Stiles! Are you trying to kill him!" Irene yelled, hopping out of the car and rushing to Derek's side thinking he was hit with the car "Are you ok?"

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked, kneeling beside him

"He's not looking so good" Stiles said

"No shit sherlock!" Irene rolled her eyes at the boy

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked another question

"I can't... It was- It was a different kind of bullet" Derek muttered

"Wha- a silver bullet?" Stiles asked a bit too excitedly

"No, you idiot!" Derek yelled at him

"That's what she meant when she said you only have 48 hours" Scott said

"Who...who said 48 hours?" Derek and Irene said together, making them share a look before turning back to Scott

"The one who shot you" Scott told Derek.

Irene turned back to the man only to see his eyes glowing blue and him moving his head in pain. She quickly placed her hand on his back to make sure he didn't collapse completely, looking at Scott for help

"What are you doing? Stop that!" Scott yelled in a whisper

"I don't think he's doing it on purpose, Scott. Can you stand?" She asked Derek as she and Scott helped to get him up and into Scott's jeep. She then went around and hopped into the back seat, anxiously chewing her hoodie sleeve. Derek turned to Scott who closed the door

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now