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It was the next day in chemistry and Irene felt a lot better than she had in a while. She took Melissa's advice and was able to actually sleep last night, even if it was because of a new medication that she prescribed her.

Irene sat down with Scott and Stiles sitting either side of her, whispering to each other about some new information they had found out

"Why would Derek choose Isaac?"

"Isaac? As in Isaac Lahey? On the lacrosse team?" Irene asked Scott to which he nodded in response

"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you and maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving" Stiles told them

"Does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Irene asked Stiles

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness. Wait-" Stiles' eyes widened as if he had remembered something, quickly turning around to Danny who was just trying to get on with his work "Danny! Where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office speaking to your dad" The boy replied

"What why?"

"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac" He said before turning back to his work

"Witness" Irene repeated

"We gotta get to the principal's office" Stiles said

"Leave it to me" Irene grinned as she tore off a piece of paper from her notebook, scrunching it up into a ball and throwing it across the classroom at the back of the teacher's head as he was writing on the chalkboard. Suddenly he turned around and looked at everyone with a serious expression

"Who in the hell did that?" he said as he turned to the trio. Irene pointed at both the boys while they pointed at her "To the principal's office. Now!" He yelled

They all grabbed their bags and walked through the halls towards the principal's office. Irene looked at them both with a devilish grin on her face "I have wanted to do that for ages" she sighed

"You're a genius"

"Thanks, Stiles"

After getting to the office they sat outside waiting for the principal but really they were listening. Listening to the conversation between Jackson and the Sheriff who were inside.

Apparently Jackson knew Isaac's father had been abusing him but never said anything about it. After their little talk was over, Sheriff Stilinski walked out with a deputy and while Stiles hid behind a magazine, Irene and Scott just waved their hand to him

"Hi Scott, Irene"

"Hi" They said together as he walked away, shaking his head from the questionable actions of his son. The principal then walked out

"Ahem. Come on in" The principal said and all of them were surprised to see Allison's grandfather

After all of them walked inside the office they sat down and the principal pulled out all of their student records, starting with Scott "Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete" He then turned to Irene, opening up her folder "Irene Ryder-"

"It's Morgan." She said blandly

"Morgan. My apologies, it says here it is Ryder. Excellent grades and I see you used to be in the music club and then the track team. Although not many extracurricular now. I also see here that you missed quite a bit of school last year so you were held back. Is that right?" The principal asked

"I was quite sick, last year, sir"

"Well, I hope you are much better this year"

"I am, Sir. Thank you. And I promise not to miss more school this time" Irene promised

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