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Two days had passed since Lydia's party and a lot had happened. Irene decided to take some time off of school since she wasn't feeling very well. Apparently during Lacrosse practice Scott ended up injuring Jackson's shoulder so bad he had to go to the hospital. Irene had gotten Jackson a card and what surprised her was how nice Jackson was. Maybe he wasn't a total douche.

On the way to school Scott began to tell Irene and Stiles about a dream he had about Allison and how he thinks he killed her in one of the buses in the school's parking lot.

"So you killed her?" Stiles asked as they entered the school

"I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before"

"I have" Irene mumbled, causing the two to look at her "Oh my god! A nightmare you morons, get your head out of the gutter" She yelled at them in disbelief, smacking both of them on the back of the head before continuing down the hallway

"Me too. Although it usually ends a little differently" Stiles said

"A, I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real and B, never give me that much detail about you in bed again" Scott told Stiles which made Irene laugh

"Noted. Ok let me guess"

"I know. You think it has something about going out with Allison tomorrow, like i'm gonna rip her throat out or something"

"Of course not" Stiles said but Scott just looked at him with a blank expression "Ok...that's totally it"

"Scott I'm sure nothing has happened" Irene assured him

"Yeah and you're handling this pretty amazingly. It's not like there's a Lycanthropy beginners class you can take"

"Yeah, not a class but maybe a teacher"

"Who, Derek?" Stiles asked in disbelief, smacking Scott on the back of the head to knock some sense into him. Irene also thought it was a pretty dumb idea but what other choice did they have.

"I think you might be forgetting you two got him tossed into jail. Jail." Irene reminded the pair of idiots who she called best friends.

"I know but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus felt so real" Scott mumbled

"How real?"

"Like it actually happened" Scott said as they opened the doors at the back of the school where the school buses were. Oh no. One of the buses had its back door ripped off its hinges and blood everywhere. Irene felt nauseous just looking at the sight of the blood

"Maybe it did"

"Not helping Stiles!" Irene yelled, hitting her friend's arm

Scott turned back and rushed back into the school, searching the hallways for Allison and growing more and more panicked as he couldn't find her and the fact she wasn't answering his texts made him worry even more. Eventually Irene and Stiles lost Scott in the halls


"Come on, Sunny, we need to get to class. We have Harris"

"Now I wish I was the one in the bus" She groaned as Stiles placed his hand on her back to guide her towards class

Stiles and Irene sat down in their seats in Chemistry and Scott was there. Thankfully Allison was alright as Scott had told them. As they were writing down what the teacher was writing on the board Scott turned around

"Maybe it was my blood on the door" He suggested

"Could it have been animal blood?" Irene asked

"Yeah, maybe you caught a rabbit or something" Stiles suggested

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