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School had broken up for the summer and while Irene's father went back to finish his work at the FBI, Irene spent most of her time with Derek and with Peter. She had them training her and her skills almost daily, constantly sparring with them and Irene even one time beat Derek

"Look at you" Peter chuckled, clapping as Irene took Derek to the ground

"How does it feel to be beaten by a 'child'?" She grinned

"I got snacks! Also I think I heard a car pulling up the road" Isaac said as he approached them outside with a tray of snacks and some drinks.

They had decided to train at Irene's house considering nobody was there anyways and it was safer than the Hale house. Irene looked at them all in curiosity before handing her jacket to Peter

"I'll be right back. If anything happens, the tree marked with a blue ribbon takes you to the end of the reserve" She whispered to Peter who nodded

She excused herself before walking in the house and walking upstairs to the front door. Upon opening the door she was met with her mother and Cole. She glared at Cole before looking at her mother, slightly annoyed she only decided to speak to her now since the funeral

"Kaitlyn. What do you want?" Irene asked, crossing her arms

"Come with us to England"

"W-What?" Irene gasped, taken aback "Are you crazy! You can't just throw that kind of question on me! I've lived here my whole life. Nida lived here! And what about my dad? I finally have him back"

"You're my daughter, Irene. Families should stay together. Come with us. We can be a family again. A real one" Her mother asked softly, trying to hold Irene's hand

"Be a fam- Be a family?! Were you even aware that your stupid husband over here abused me ever since you married him? I was a punching bag to him. Not a child" She yelled back which made her mother look at Cole in shock

"Who are these people?" A voice came from behind her which slowly approached them

"Kaitlyn and Cole. Nida's family" Irene sighed

"Who is this?" Her mother asked in confusion, noticing the older man

"That doesn't concern you" He said blandly

"Irene I'm your mother. Your family" Her mother pleaded, taking her hands into her own. Peter gently pulled Irene back behind him, keeping his hand on her waist and looked her mother up and down with a strange look in his eyes as he put himself between the two

"You may be her mother by blood but you're not her family. We are. We cared for her. And we stuck around" Peter said in an annoyed tone "I may be seen as a cruel man but at least I was there for YOUR daughter. Where the hell were you?"

"I'm here now" Her mother said softly, a sad look in her eyes

"I was there then! We were there then. Not you. This man abused your daughter. Your blood. And you let it happen. She's not going anywhere with you" He said angrily before slamming the door in their faces and turning to Irene who looked up at him with tears in her eyes

"Thank you Peter..."

"Come on. We got more training to do" He said, clearing his throat and his expression returning to his usual cold one. But Irene smiled and followed after him. He clearly didn't like to show it but he did care and that was good enough for her

"You secretly care. Admit it. You like me" Irene grinned

"Shut up" He replied

"I'm never going to drop this I hope you know that"

"Sadly I do" He groaned in annoyance as they walked outside back to Derek and Isaac who were training with each other.

They continued training for a few more hours before heading to the Hale house for some reason. Once they got there Irene noticed a strange symbol painted on the front door from a distance. She broke off from the group and ran up to the door, stroking her fingers across the symbol, looking back at Derek, Peter and Isaac as they caught up, standing at the bottom of the steps

"You haven't told them everything yet, have you?" Peter sighed, turning to Derek with a shake of his head

"What do you mean?" Irene asked in confusion, turning to Derek "Derek? What is he talking about?"

"Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack? So eager to strengthen his power and his number? When there's a new Alpha, people take notice." Peter replied after Derek stayed silent for a while

"People like who?" Isaac asked

"What is this? What does this mean?" Irene looked at Peter before turning back to the symbol on the door. It was a weird triangle in the middle with three lines coming out of it and splitting off in each direction

"It's their symbol... and it means they're coming" Derek sighed

"Who?" Isaac asked

"Who's coming?" Irene asked on top of Isaac's question

"Alphas" Derek replied, his eyes focused on the symbol on the door

"More than one?" Irene frowned at the plural version of that word. Supernatural words were never a good sign in their conversations. Especially if it was a plural version of it

"A pack of them"

"A pack of them?" Irene repeated in disbelief. Did he seriously just say that a pack of alphas were coming to Beacon Hills?

"An Alpha Pack. And they're not coming...They're already here" Peter said as everyone turned back to the symbol on the door.

"Well when they come...we'll be ready." Irene nodded


Season two is finally completed! Sorry for this chapter once again being shorter compared to the other chapters. Wanted to leave this on a cliff hanger. Season Three is already in the writing and will be published hopefully by the end of April if no issues. Thank you all so much for your support on Wattpad and on Tiktok. I never thought that this book would ever recieve this much love but I am so grateful to all of you guys reading this. Thank you so much! And I hope you enjoyed the book so far. More updates will be on Tiktok. The user is @Harmony_Ffire

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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